The original, handwritten document from which this was transcribed, is in a collection of Civil War items originally owned by Major George C. Trimble, 11th West Virginia Infantry, formerly Captain of Company "E" 1st (West) Virginia Infantry (3 month).

      It appears that Major Andrews wrote a copy for Major Trimble, who was assigned to the general area in which this Guerrilla unit was present.

      At least six of the men in this roster were later members of Company "F" 17th Virginia Cavalry. This company, known as the "Nighthawk Rangers," was first organized in Roane County, near Three Forks of Reedy, and was composed of men from Roane, Jackson, Wirt, and Wood Counties.

      Major George Trimble's presence in the area is shown in the "Memoranda" in the 1864 Adjutant General's Report: "The Eleventh Regiment West Virginia Infantry Volunteers was commenced by Lieut. Col. J. C. Rathbone, in October, 1861. On the 22d and 24th of December, respectively, companies B and C were organized in Wirt county, and were immediately armed and placed on duty against the guerrillas in Wirt, Calhoun and Roane counties."

      The names are transcribed as accurately as possible.

      The original document is owned by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.


I hereby certify that I otained this enlistment paper in the house
of James E. Smith, supposed to be for the Capt. of the Company below.

(Signed) E. B. Andrews,
Major 36th Regt. O.V.U.S.A.
Sep 18" 1861   In command at Three Forks, Ready
                             Roane Co. Va.

We the undersigned citizens of Virginia do agree to form ourselves
into an independent Guerrilla Volunteer Company, to serve for a
period of three months in defence of the State, and of our families,
friends and personal property against Northern troops or any body
of citizens raised for illegal or improper purposes.  All officers
of said company to be elected by the men, and the services of the
men not to be required beyond the limits of Wirt, Roan & Jackson

Given under our hands, this 16" day of August 1861.

M. J. Kester          Mark Custer           Francis Childers
J. F. Eagle (?)       Eph Vernon(?)         Disoway Cain
G. M. Stalnaker       W. H. H. Cook         Fenton Romine
G. W. Parsons         Strother Cook         James E. Carpenter
Saml Hall             George Beatty         Joseph W. Lawson (?)
A. H. Ryder           Ephraim Carder        John Stalnaker
J. M. Rader           F. P. Carder          A. N. Lazier
D. W. Engle           Wm. S. Parsons        James E. Smith
Alexander Stewart     B. O. Snyder          Jefferson Carder
Enos George           S. H. Curfman         Jacob Warner
Jeremiah Ayers        Lawson Parsons        Wm. J. Riddle
Lovel Burditt         W. Curfman            A. G. Riddle
Wm. Beatty            H. P. Colbett         Noah Tanner
James O'Hara          Henry George          H. Amick
John Roach            J. W. Cain            H. Sheppard
Ben Riddle            E. J. Sims            J. M. Straley (?)
Travis Parsons        Jacob Page
David Enoch           William C. Carder
S. B. Seary           M. V. Sheppard
Gamaliel Cain         A. J. McCoy
W. T. Staats          J. Ayers
John Sec              Amanuel Francis