William Cunningham
(1764-1862) |
William Cunningham
Wiilliam Cunningham provided much important information in his Revolutionary War pension application. He established that his father, John, is a son of Adam I by saying that Thomas Cunningham was his uncle. (Selections) PHEBE (WIDOW OF THOMAS) CUNNINGHAM. "Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application File, 1800-1900;" National Archives Microfilm; Call No. M804; Roll No. 713. State of Virginia Harrison County On the 18th day of September 1832 personally appeared in open Court before John Reynolds, Benj Stout, Wm A. Rodgers and James Fleming the Court of Harrison County now and sitting WM CUNNINGHAM aged sixty nine years who being first and duly sworn doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he was born and raised in the County of Shanandoah Virginia. That some time in May 1780 he entered the service as a substitute for his Father JOHN CUNNINGHAM in a Company of Militia Commanded by John Richardson. Marched to Chester's(?) Gap on the Blue Ridge thence to Fredericksburg where he joined the Regt but does not recollect the name of the Commandant - from thence to Hobbs hole and was discharged having served TWO MONTHS. In the spring of 1781 he again performed a tour as a substitute for his Father in a Company commanded by Cpt Charles Riggins. Marched to Stover(?) town joined the Regt commanded by Col. John Netherton. Marched from thence to Fredericksburg was employed as a waiting man for the aforesaid Co - was discharged having served TWO MONTHS - in the month of August 1781 he was drafted in a company commanded by Cpt Martin All or Halls - Marched to little York was present at the surrender of Cornwallis - was detailed to guard the prisoners to Winchester but was taken sick and discharged at Fredericksburg having served TWO MONTHS. After his recovery he entered as a substitute for His Uncle THOMAS CUNNINGHAM and continued to guard the prisoners at the Barracks near Winchester ONE MONTH - he obtained written discharges for the several tours which were placed in the hands of his Mother who is since dead and the discharges lost - he has no documentary evidence by which he can prove the above services and knows of no living witness by whom he can prove the facts except WALTER CUNNINGHAM whose affidavit is herewith annexed he hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state - In the year 1794 he removed to Harrison County from thence to Wood County where he resides - he is acquainted John Harris Esq, Benj Webb(?) Esq and various others of his neighbours to whom reference may be had. sworn and subscribed to Wiliam (his X mark) Cunningham And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter, and putting the interrogatories presented by the War Dept that the above named applicant was a soldier in the War of the Revolution & that he served as he states and they furthermore state that in their opinion he is sixty nine years of age. Jacob Coplin JP I David Davisson Clerk of Harrison county court do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of said court in the matter of the application of William Cunningham for a pension. I testify whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office this 2nd day of November 1832 D. Davisson C.H.C. State of Virginia Harrison County This day personally appeared before me the subscriber a Justice of the peace for the county & state afforesaid William Cunningham & made oath -- due form of law that he resided in the County of Harrison upwards of 15 years that he is generally acquainted throughout said county. That he now resides in the county of Wood but near the Harrison line about 40 miles from the County Seat of said Wood county, that he is old and infirm and cannot with convenience travel to Wood county Court House - he further states that his age is recorded in a Family Bible now in his possession by which it appears that he was born July 23d, 1764 this 15th Dec 1832. Wiliam (his X mark) Cunningham Matthias Winters JP We Hamilton Goss of the county of Harrison a clergyman & Ezekiel Wilkinson residing in the same hereby certify that we are well acquainted with William Cunningham who hath subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be 69 yearsof age that he is respected and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn and subscribed this 26 day of January 1832 Hamilton Goss Ezekiel Wilkinson Jacob Coplin JP WALTER CUNNINGHAM being sworn saith that he resided a neighbour to WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM in the county of Shanandoah in the year 1780 that he well remembers that s'd Wm Cunningham served a tour under Capt Richardson & that in 1781 he served another tour under Capt Charles Biggins and afterwards served a tour under Capt halls that he said Walter Cuningham is 83 years of age that he was also a soldier in the War of the revolution. Walter Cunningham Mattias Winters, JP I certify that Walter Cunningham who has sworn and subscribed to the above certificate is a credible man & that full faith and credit is due to his statement when under oath. Mattias Winters, JP This 15th Dec 1832 ![]() William married Susanna Barbara Handyshel. ![]() |
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