Photo provided by Laurel Phyllis Strother Olsen.
Candace Buchanan has this PHOTO OF T. M. CARROLL on her 'Greene Connections' site.
1st LIEUTENANT, Companies "B" & "F"
Thomas Maxwell Carroll, age 7, is found in the 1850 census of Morris, Greene County, Pa., a son of Hugh M., 37, and Elizabeth Carrol, 35. Siblings were Ann Maria, 10, Mary E., 5, George T., 3, and Francis S., 1.
Hugh M. Carroll was the son of James Carroll and Margaret Marshall. Hugh's wife, Elizabeth, was the former Elizabeth McCausland/McCaslin, the daughter of Francis and Jane (Booth) McCausland, Irish immigrants who settled in Greene County, Pa. [Note: The surname of this family is spelled as McCausland, McCaslin, McCauslin.]
In the 1860 census, still in Morris, Greene County, "Maxwell," age 18, a farm laborer, was still at home with his parents, Hugh & Elizabeth C., and siblings Mary E., George, Frank, Jane, and John.
According to the West Virginia Adjutant General's records (1864 and "final" available on this site), on 19 Sep 1861, Maxwell Carroll mustered in with Company "B" 1st West Virginia Cavalry Regiment and served as a sergeant. He was commissioned 1st Lieutenant 12 Jan 1863, to rank 14 Oct 1862, and was sent to Company "C" and then to Company "F." He resigned Oct 26, 1863, on account of wounds received in action at Hanover, Pennsylvania, 30 Jun 1863. See GETTYSBURG.
There is no indication in the 1864 or 1865 West Virginia Adjutant General's Report, on in the "final" records compiled by the office of the West Virginia Adjutant General, that this soldier was promoted to Captain before his discharge. However, a document at the West Virginia State Archives, dated 18 Aug 1863, proves that Carroll was, indeed, promoted to Captain of Company "F" before he resigned 26 Oct 1863. - PAGE ONE - PAGE TWO
The Journal of the (United States) Senate, dated 11 Feb 1880, states, "Mr. Ingalls presented the petition of Maxwell Carroll, of Paola, Kansas, praying the passage of a law placing him on the pension rolls as a captain; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions."
Maxwell Carroll's request for an increase in pension, based on the rank of captain, was not granted. In Senate Report 457 (46th Congress, 2nd session) in Congressional Serial Set volume 1895, the committee issued an adverse report. In effect, the committee said that Lieutenant Carroll's circumstances were hardly unique. Although he was appointed captian, he did not muster in at that rank. To be fair to others in the same situation, general rather than specific legislation was needed.
Some years later, on April 23, 1888 (as found in Volume 25 of United States Statutes at Large on page 1050), Congress directed the Secretary of the Interior "to increase the pension of Maxwell Carroll, late first lieutenant of Company B, First Virginia Cavalry, from twenty-four dollars per month to the amount allowed by the law for the loss of a limb above the knee."
This is the first mention of loss of a limb. Thomas M. Carroll originally applied for a government pension soon after his resignation from the 1st Cavalry. According to the Pension Rolls of 1883, he received $18 a month and had sustained a gunshot wound in his right hip. Following his death, his widow, Mary B. received a pension. However, the file is not readily available at the National Archives is held at the Veterans' Administration.
Additional, perhaps conflicting, documents about Maxwell Carroll's rank at discharge from the 1st Cavalry, as well as a finding that he was found "deficient" to be Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps, is presented below among the information provided by descendant, Laurel Olson.
At the time of the 1870 census, Maxwell Carroll, a lawyer, listed as 26, was living in Paola, Miami County, Kansas, with his maternal uncle, Maxwell McCaslin, who served during the Civil War as Colonel of the 15th West Virginia Infantry. He was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel 6 Sep 1862 and was commissioned Colonel 4 Dec 1862; he resigned 7 Sep 1864.
Colonel McCaslin's GRAVE is located at Paola (Kansas) City Cemetery.
Photos provided by Laurel Phyllis Strother Olsen.
Colonel McCaslin was an agent for Indian tribes in Kansas. From History of the State of Kansas, by William G. Cutler (First published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL):
"From the tribes have been the following: Col. Ely Moore, until 1854; Col. A. M. Coffey, 1854 to 1855; Col. M. McCaslin, 1855 to 1857; Gen. Seth Clover, 1857 to 1861; Col. G. A. Colton, 1861 to 1869; James Stanley, 1869 to the time the Agency was abolished. Col. McCaslin was removed by President Buchanan for having protested against the invasion of Kansas by Missourians. He was Colonel of the Fifteenth (West) Virginia Infantry during the rebellion."
And the Grand Army of the Republic Post in Miami County, Kansas was apparently named for Colonel McCaslin:
McCaslin Post, G. A. R., No 117 was organized August 25, 1882, by Col. W. B. Shockley. The following were the officers installed: W. C. Easton, P. C.; Thos. M. Carroll, Sr., P. C.; H. H. Patten, Jr., P. C.; Amos Potter, surgeon; J. R. Cartwright, chaplain; J. C. Taylor, Q. M.; D. C. Goodrich, Ajt.; E. M. Wickersham, O. D.; Dillwyn Parker, Q. M. sergeant; C. C. Proctor, S. M.; George Quimby, O. G.
By 1880, Thomas M. Carroll, a lawyer, age misstated as 23, was married to Mary B. Also in the home was their son, Thomas M., age 1; Thomas M.'s sister, Jennie, age 24; his mother-in-law, M. Childress; his sister-in-law, Anna Childress, and a domestic servant, Ella Rowen.
From Kansas State Board of Agriculture, First Biennial Report, 1878:
July 10, 1871, the Kansas Spirit was started, with Perry & Bright as editors and publishers. Mr. Bright soon retired, leaving L. J. Perry sole proprietor. Mr. Perry changed the name to Western Spirit. In 1872 and 1873, S. M. Ford, now of the Kansas City Mail, was connected with the Spirit. June 14, 1878, Mr. Perry sold the paper to Messrs. Carroll, Clark & Highley, and since that time, under the editorial charge of Capt. Thomas M. Carroll, the Spirit has been a Democratic paper.
From History of the State of Kansas, by William G. Cutler (First published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL.):
CAPT. THOMAS M. CARROLL, attorney at law was born in Green County, Pa. He enlisted in the late war in 1861, while in his seventeenth year, as a private in Company B, First Regiment Virginia Cavalry. He was wounded at the battle of Port Republic in 1862, and again at Gettysburg in 1863. He was promoted from the ranks to a First Lieutenancy and placed in command of his company. Just before the battle of Gettysburg he was promoted to Captain, and after serving nearly three years, received an honorable discharge on account of wounds received in battle. On returning from the war, he became a student of Waynesburg College, Pa., from which he graduated in 1868. He came to Paola, Kan., in 1869, studied law with Judge W. R. Wagstaff and was admitted to practice in 1873. He was married, in 1876 to Miss Mary Childress, of Paola.
History of Washington County, Pennsylvania, Vol. III; S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1926.
NOTE: Elizabeth Carroll Young was the daughter of George T. Carroll [PHOTO], the younger brother of Thomas Maxwell Carroll. Elizabeth's brother, Thomas M. Carroll, was a Cadet at Linsly Military Academy, Wheeling, W. Va, Class of 1897. [PHOTO]. - Photos submitted by Laurel Strother Olsen.
Mrs. Elizabeth Carroll Young of the realty firm of Young & Garrett, member of that firm in succession to her late husband, Alexander D. Young, founder and former head of the firm, has for years been recognized as among the leaders in local feminist movements in this section of Pennsylvania an has the honor of having been the first woman to render service on an election board in Washington county. Mrs. Young is a native of Washington county and in general her interests have centered here, though for some time prior to her marriage she was engaged in business in Wheeling. She was born on what long was known as the Carroll homestead farm in the vicinity of the interesting and historic hamlet of Old Concord, a daughter of George T. and Lucinda (Cummins) Carroll, the latter of whom was born in the neighboring county of Greene, February 2, 1848, a daughter of Aaron and Mary Milliken Cummins, both members of pioneer families in that section of the state. Mary Milliken was born on a pioneer farm, now a part of the city of Waynesburg, a daughter of Samuel Milliken. a keen Irishman who is said to have come into his farm tract there through a "swap" in which he traded his silk hat to a dissatisfied settler for a tract of land, which in time he brought to an excellent state of development and as the Waynesburg settlement grew became a part of the town plat. Aaron Cummins was born on a pioneer farm in the vicinity of Eno, Greene county, and in turn became a substantial farmer and landowner, a local leader in civic affairs, an elder in the Windy Gap United Presbyterian church near Burnsvi1le, and a man of influence in his community. He lived to a ripe old age, his death occurring on February 15, 1901, and his widow survived him but a few months, her death occurring in the following May. Their daughter Lucinda was engaged in teaching school prior to her marriage and taught the first school established in the now thriving village of Bellton, over the line in West Virginia, the schoolhouse having been an abandoned log cabin of one of the early settlers there.
The late George T. Carroll, father of Mrs. Young, was born in the Old Concord neighborhood, November 19, 1852, a son of Hugh S. [Hugh M.] and Elizabeth (McCausland) Carroll, the latter of whom was born in the Waynesburg neighborhood and was a sister of Colonel Thomas McCausland a hero of the War of 1812, who was awarded the Legion of Honor medal for distinguished service during the time of that second war for American independence. Colonel McCausland, a lawyer, became one of the pioneer promoters of the development of eastern Kansas and had a large tract of land in what is now Miami county, that state, this tract including the townsite of Paola, the county seat. When it came time to establish a settlement there he donated to the town extensive plots for courthouse and park sites and his name is inseparably connected with the establishment of that now flourishing county town. Colonel McCausland was a bachelor and though the entire community mourned at his passing and followed his body to the grave, the figure in chief in that funeral cortege was his faithful old horse "Dan", led at the head of the cortege by an equally faithful friend. Hugh S. [Hugh M.] Carroll was a substantial farmer and landowner in the Old Concord neighborhood. His elder son, Thomas M. Carroll, helped to recruit and organize a troop of cavalry for service during the time of the Civil war and was elected captain of that troop (a West Virginia unit), which rendered effective service in behalf of the Union cause. --- [Note: This biography is difficult to follow but Thomas McCausland, mention in the first line of this paragraph, was Maxwell McCaslin, who served as a Colonel in th Civil War, not the War of 1812.]
George T. Carroll was but ten years of age when the Civil war broke out. He was an enthusiastic lad and his patriotic impulses could not be restrained by parental advice. When his big brother Tom went to the front at the head of his troop of cavalry, young George awaited his opportunity and ran away from home to put in his fortunes with those of the elder brother in the field. The Captain took him in, assigning him to light duties such as a boy could perform in the farrier department, and the patriotic youth thus rendered effective service during the war, helping to shoe the horses of the cavalry troop. In this manner he became an expert farrier and blacksmith and when the war was over his father bought a blacksmith shop and set him up in business in Old Concord, a line which he followed until after his marriage. He then became a traveling salesman in the employ of the old Champion Machine Company of Springfield, Ohio, manufacturers of harvesting machinery, with headquarters in Wheeling, and he continued associated with the affairs of this company until his death thirty years later. George T. Carroll was a staunch republican and he and his wife were members of the First Presbyterian church in Wheeling, in which city they had their home. He died there on April 10, 1901, then being in his fifty-first year. His widow survived him for more than twelve years, her death occurring in Washington on May 13, 1913.
Elizabeth Carroll, daughter of George T. and Lucinda (Cummins) Carroll, was graduated from the high school in 1887 and two years later was graduated from Ohio Wesleyan College. She taught school for a year in Quaker City, Guernsey county, Ohio, and a year in Senacaville, and then became buyer in the music store of C. A. House in Wheeling, a position which she occupied for nine years, at the end of which time she became a teacher of music in the public schools of West Alexander and was thus engaged prior to her marriage on July 13, 1913, to Alexander D. Young, a Washington realtor and former deputy recorder of deeds in and for Washington county. Mrs. Young took an attentive and intelligent interest in her husband's business and following his death in the fall of 1919 assumed his interest in the firm with which he was connected and has since been engaged along that line, an active personal factor in the general realty and insurance business in Washington. Mrs. Young is an enthusiastic republican, takes an earnest and helpful part in local civic affairs and, as noted above, was the first woman to render service on an election board in this county. She is a member of the Third Presbyterian church and is affiliated with Lincoln Chapter No. 112, Order of the Eastern Star, and with the Quola Club.
The late Alexander D. Young, who died at his home in Washington on November 13, 1919, was born February 2, 1856, and was thus in his fiftyeighth year at the time of his death. He was born in the city of Quebec, Canada, a son of the Rev. Alexander D. and Emma (Bailey) Young, the latter of whom also was a native of Canada, born in Leeds, in the province of Quebec, where she is buried. The Rev. Alexander D. Young was a Scotsman who was reared in Canada, where he had his theological training and where he was ordained to the ministry of the Presbyterian church. He also was for some time a member. of the faculty of McGill University in Montreal, teacher of classical languages. His last days were spent in the city of Vancouver in British Columbia, where he was engaged in pastoral service at the time of his death, and he lies in the cemetery there. The junior Alexander D. Young came to Pennsylvania in the days of his youth and was for some time engaged in farming in this county, continuing thus employed until his appointment to the position of a deputy in the office of the recorder of deeds. By reason of his effective service in that important department of the county's administration he was retained in that office for more than twenty years, or until his resignation in 1913 to become engaged in the general realty and insurance business in Washington, forming there a partnership along those lines with J. C. Garrett and carryng on under the firm name of Young & Garrett, which name has been continued since his death, his widow, as noted above, having then assumed his proprietary interest in the firm's operations. Mr. Young was widely known in business and professional circles throughout this section of Pennsylvania, was a man diligent in business, and at his passing left a good memory, for in all the relations of life he had borne himself uprightly.
Mary Burnley Childress may have been Thomas’ second wife. At the following web site is another earlier marriage for Thomas. (
“Capt. T. M. Carroll, formerly of Greene Co. now of Paola, KS, married Lee Annie Hague of Galesburg, IL on 19 June 1872. Bride is a Waynesburg College graduate. Source is the Waynesburg Republican newspaper."
A letter, dated 1941, was written by Maxwell Carroll's daughter to another relative. In it, she stated that her name was Antoinette Brooks Carroll. She had a brother, Thomas Maxwell Carroll, Jr. and two sisters, Marian and Sallie Louise. The latter was the wife of Richard Egelston.
Discharged from 1st Cav., 11/1863
General Order - Mustered as Captain, 1st Cav.
Veteran Reserve Corps - Not commissioned Captain
Paola, Kansas -- Notice was received in Paola Monday of the death of Captain Thomas M. Carroll, which occurred at the national military home in Dayton, Ohio, April 25 caused by heart trouble and Bright's disease. He was at the home of his brother in Wheeling, West Virginia, when he was taken ill, and was taken to Dayton at his own request a week before his death occurred. On being informed that there was no hope of his recovery, he requested that his body be brought to Paola and be buried at the side of his son Thomas. In compliance with his request, his body was brought here [Paola], arriving Wednesday might, and was taken to the family home on east Wea street, from where the funeral services, in charge of McCaslin Post, were held Thursday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Cooper of the Presbyterian church officiating.
Captain Carroll was about fifty-four years of age. He was born in Green co., Pennsylvania, and in 1861, when a boy of seventeen, he enlisted in Company B, First regiment Virginia cavalry. He was wounded at the battle of Port Republic in 1862, and again at Gettysburg in 1863. He was promoted from the ranks to a first lieutenancy, and a short time before the battle of Gettysburg was promoted to captain. After serving nearly three years he received an honorable discharge on account of wounds received in battle. Returning home, he entered Waynesburg College, graduating in 1868. He came to Paola, Kansas in 1869 and studied law with the late Judge W. R. Wagstaff, being admitted to the bar in 1873. In connection with his law practice, he engaged in the real estate and loan business, and unbounded confidence was reposed in him.
He was formerly a Democrat, and purchasing the Western Spirit of Captain L. J. Perry in 1877, he changed it from a Republican to a Democratic paper, and was its editor for several years until he disposed of his interest to B. J. Sheridan, shortly afterward identifying himself with the Republican Party. He was appointed Adjutant General of Kansas by Governor Martin, and in 1888 was elected to the State Senate from this district, filling the office with honor and credit. Capt. Carroll was a man of generous impulses and strong attachments, and was a useful and forceful man in public and private life. He was a member of McCaslin Post G. A. R., the Modern Woodsmen and A. O. U. W. orders. He was survived by his wife and three daughters, the eldest sixteen years of age and the youngest eight years.
Thomas Maxwell Carroll's GRAVE is located at Paola (Kansas) City Cemetery. - Photo submitted by Laurel Strother Olsen.
Thomas M. Carroll, Jr., son of Capt. and Mrs. Thomas M. Carroll, died Wednesday afternoon, the 21st isnt., at the home of his parents in Paola, Kansas at the age of nearly fourteen years. Five weeks ago Tommy and his little sister Sally were taken ill with typhoid fever. All that loving care and medical skill could do were resorted to to relieve the little patients of their sufferings, which have thus far been successful in the case of the little girl, but in the case of Tommy the disease had become so firmly seated that it was impossible to throw it off, and while the fond parents hoped against hope for his recovery, the unwelcome messenger put the seal of death upon the pride of their household, and he gently dropped into the sleep that knows no awakening in this life.
His death at so tender an age, with life just forming in beauteous lines, giving promise of a sturdy manhood of more than usual usefulness, is inexpressibly sad, and in tendering the deeply stricken parents their heartfelt sympathy, their friends realize that it is but a poor consolation where death has struck so cruel a blow, but they can find a lasting solace in the knowledge that in the fullness of time they will again behold their boy in all the purity and innocence of his youth.
Tommy was a bright, manly boy, of many excellent traits of character, open-hearted, thoughtful and regardful of the feelings of his parents and friends. He was born and reared in Paola, and will be sadly missed not only in his home, but by his school mates and associates, among whom he was a favorite. The funeral was held at the family residence yesterday afternoon, a very large assemblage gathering to pay their last respects.
Thomas Maxwell Carroll, Jr's GRAVE is located at Paola (Kansas) City Cemetery. - Photo submitted by Laurel Strother Olsen.
Thomas Maxwell Carroll's grand father and grandmother were James Carroll and Jane Marshall. They are both buried in the Carroll Family Cemetery, Morris Twp., Washington Co., Pa. James Carroll was born on the Carroll Homestead (tract name: Poles Hook patent 4 Apr 1785), East Finley, Washington Co., Pa. around 1776. The property and family cem is still located in the same area as the site of the original Cabin but the name and counties have changed. In fact, James Carroll birth occurred when the area was known as Headwaters of Wheeling Creek, Ohio Co., Va. He was the oldest son of Robert Carroll Sr. and Mary Margaret Bell. He is mentioned in the Indian raid as running to Lindley's Fort with his mother. Robert Carroll (tombstone is Carrall) came with his brothers Edward, Hamilton, John, Richard and one sister Jane. Jane married Alexander Burns. Hamilton and John were killed by Indians in 1781 and were the first two burials in the Carroll Family Cemetery. Edward settled later 1 mile south of Good Intent and raised his family there. Richard stayed in the Mingo area and went by the last name of McCarroll.
We know when and where Robert Carroll immigrated to America from the following news article, from the October 1980 edition of Keyhole by the S.W. Penna. Gen. Soc., Pg 169:
Washington County Newspaper, Tuesday, December 1, 1795, Washington, Pa., Whereas a certain RALPH SMITH, of Morgan Township in this County (Greene Co. after 1796), some years ago called me a convict in a public company, and later spoke the same language in ambiguous terms, (such as his good breeding afforded). I do hereby request the favor of Mr. Smith, to wash and shave and go and inquire of Mr. James GILASPY, on the headwaters of Buffalo Creek, and Robert CARREL on the head waters of the Wheeling Creek, two gentlemen which sailed with me from the port of Londonderry, the 14th day of August in the year 1768, and landed at Newcastle, DE. the 3rd day of October following and acknowledge himself a malicious calumniator. -- S Myles HAYDAN of Ten Mile Creek, Washington County.
Excerpts from History of Kansas copied from