WILLIAM R. GUNN, Company "C"
National Archives Pension File
Transcribed by Jon White.
Ex-Soldiers Pension Claim
State of Ohio
County of Jefferson
Mr. William R. Gunn, being duly sworn, says:
My Post-Office Address is Mingo Junction, Jeff Co, Ohio
My occupation is that of a clerk, I was born in Marshall Co, West Va On the 30 day of Dec, 1844.
My personal description is as follows: Height 5 feet 11 inches; complexion dark; color of hair dark and of eyes grey.
I am married [if not erase]; my wife’s name is Ellie M. Gunn
My places of residence since the war have been; from about 1865, to about 1869 in Marshall County, State of West Va, my P.O. address being Glen Easton, West Va. From about 1869 to about 1882 in Belmont County, State of Ohio my P.O. address being Bellaire, Bel Co, O, from about 1882 to about 1890 in Mingo Junc, Jeff. Co. Ohio, my P.O. address being Mingo Junc. Jeff. Co. Ohio
The following is a full and complete statement of all the service ever rendered by me in the military or naval service of the United States: I enlisted at Clarkesburgh W Va on the 5th day of Sept. 1862, to serve 3 years, in Company C of the 12th Regiment of West Va. Inft; and was honorably discharged therefrom at Richmond Va. On the 16 day of June 1865.
I now have the following injuries, diseases, or disabilities, each of which was caused or incurred as stated thereto and neither of which is the result of vicious habits on my part:
Name of the disease or Injury What part of your body injured or diseased? What caused it?When and where incurred? If pensioned for it, state the rate and No.
Rheumatism In back Never filed - Stomach trouble. Heart trouble. Asthma. General Disability. Eye sight very bad. came on since war. At Camp chase O Parole Prison About Sept 1863
Each of said disabilities is permanent in character, and they incapacitate me for manual labor in such a degree as to render me unable to earn a support.
I hereby claim pension under the law of June 27, 1890, hereon printed, and revoking all other powers of attorney, I appoint Joseph Hall, Steubenville, O., my attorney with full power of substitution to prosecute this claim. And agree to pay him the legal fee of ten dollars.
William R Gunn
AS Buckingham
David N Long
Two persons who write
ALSO PERSONALLY APPEARED David N Long, residing at (P.O.) Mingo Junc., Ohio and J. M. Adams residing at (P.O.) Mingo Junc, Ohio, persons who I certify to be
{rest of page missing}
Bureau of Pensions Questionnaire
Southern Div.
???? No. 5-87, 5-86
William R. Gunn
Co C, 12 Reg’t W. Va Inf.
Washington, D.C. Jany 21, 1899
Will you kindly answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below? The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your family.
Very Respectfully, McClay Evans Commissioner
William R Gunn
Mingo Junction, Ohio
No 1. Are you a married man? If so, please state your wife’s full name and her maiden name.
Answer: Married Ella M. Gunn Ella M White
No. 2. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer: Feb 15th 1868 Green Co Penna Job Russell
No. 3. What record of marriage exists?
Answer: Marriage Certificate
No. 4. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer: No
No. 5. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth.
Answer: William L Gunn June 23rd 1869
Mary Plevia(?) Gunn May 2nd 1873
Edith Maud Gunn April 28th 1878
Date of Reply, Jan 26, 1899
William R Gunn
General Affidavit
State of Ohio, County of Jefferson, ss;
In the matter of William R Gunn Co C 12” Regt West Va Vols No. 830.429
On this 16’ day of March A.D. 1891; personally appeared before me A Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths, William R Gunn aged___ years, a resident of Mingo Junction in the County of Jefferson and State of Ohio well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: That he has not been in the Military or Naval service since June 16 1865
His Post Office address is Mingo Junction Jefferson Co Ohio
DP Lewis (?) WR Gunn
Bureau of Pensions Widow’s Pension Form
Widow’s Pension 705-983
Claimant Eleanor M Gunn Soldier William R Gunn
P.O. Mingo Junction Rank Private, Co C
County Jefferson, State Ohio Regiment 12” W Va Vol Inf
Rate, $8 per month, commencing September 30, 1899
{There is a mostly illegible stamp granting an increase in pension in 1916}
Recognized Attorney
Name John P Donnan
Fee $ 10.00. Agent to pay
P.O. Steubenville Ohio
Articles Filed none
Submitted for Admi’n Dec 22, 1899, Duggannd, Examiner
Re “ “ Admi’n Feb 27 - 1900
Approved for Admission
March 5 1900 M S Roberts, Legal Reviewer
“ “ “ Thos D Louch RR
The soldier was pensioned at $6- per month for Rheumatism and general debility
Enlisted September 5, 1862 Soldiers app’n filed July 19, 1890
And honorably discharged June 16, 1865 Clt’s app’n under other laws none
Reenlisted not Former marriage of none
Death of former not
Died September 21, 1899 Clt’s marriage to soldier February 15, 1868
Declaration filed September 30, 1899 Cl’t not remarried
Claimant is without other means of support than her daily labor.
General Affidavit
State of Ohio, County of Jefferson
In the matter of No. 705-983 of Eleanor M Gunn widow of Wm R Gunn Co C 12 W Va Inft-
On this 7th day of Feb A.D. 1900; personally appeared before me a Mayor in and for the aforesaid County duly authorized to administer oaths, Eleanor M Gunn aged 54 years, a resident of Mingo Junction in the County of Jefferson and State of Ohio well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declared in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: There is no church record of marriage. The claimant and her deceased husband both being members of the Christian Church and consequently not being believers in infant baptism had none of their children baptised in infancy. Claimant has three children the oldest of whom a Son has not been baptized. Her two daughters were baptized upon a profession of faith in the Christian Church of Steubenville, Ohio in February 1891
Her Post Office address is Mingo Junction Jefferson Co Ohio
I further declare that I have interest in said case and I am concerned in its prosecution
Eleanor M Gunn