Image of tintype photo provided by JOHN ICARD, descendant.
1850 Census, Marshall County, W.Va.
CONNER(OR) (1143)
Sarah C...17-F...VA
Martha A...15-F...VA
Anne M...9-F...VA
Samuel A...4-M...VA1860 Census, Marshall County, W.Va.
CONNER (1119)
Anne M...18-wf...PA1870 Census, Clay District, Marshall County, W.Va.
John P....66-M...Peddler of notions...PA
Jemima J.....48-F....OH
Anna S.....8-F....WV
Conner, Samuel A...25-M....Farm Laborer....WV
Conner, Mary M...25-F...VA
Wayt, William L...23-M....R.R.Repairman...WV
Wayt, George M...20-M...WV
Wayt, Medorsa M.J...15-M...WV
Wayt, Sarah A...4-F...WV1880 Census, Marshall County, W.Va.
Not found.1890 Special Census, Marshall County, W.Va.
CONNER, Samuel A., alias ALEXANDER CONNER, Private, Company "A", 12th WV Infantry. Enlisted 8/13/1862; discharged 6/16/1865. Address: Rosby's Rock, Clay District.1900 Census, Clay District, Marshall County, W.Va.
CONNER, 172-195
Samuel...head...52...June 1847...M28yrs...WV...VA...VA...Railroad Laborer
Mary...wife...52...Apr 1848...M28yrs...7/5...WV...WV...OH
James B..son...20...May 1880...S...WV...WV...WV...Day Laborer
Elva...son...16...Apr school
Mary O...dau...12...Oct school
BURGE, Alvey R...bdr...3...Mar 1897...WV...WV...WVNext door was their son, Wilbert; his wife was Grace Burge.
CONNER, 173-196
Wilbert A...head...25...May 1875...M4yrs...WV...WV...WV...Railroad Laborer
Grace M...wife...25...Sep 1874...M4yrs...1/1...WV...WV...WV
Netta M...dau...3...Feb 1897...WV...WV...WV1910 Census, Clay District, Rosby's Rock, Marshall County, W.Va.
CONNER, Samuel...head...64...Married 37 years...WV...VA...VA...Railroad Laborer
Mary M...wife...65...7children/4living...WV...WV...OH
John E..son...24...Single...WV...WV...WV...Railroad Laborer1920 Census, Clay District, Marshall County, W.Va.
CONNOR, Samuel A....head...74...OH OH OH...Railroad Laborer
Mary M...wife...74...WV VA OH
John E..son...37...Single...WV...OH...WV...Teamster Pipe Line
Mary M. GARRISON...granddaughter 4 1/2...PA PA WV
Samuel Alexander Conner applied for a government pension 6 Jun 1887 and his pension certificate number is 783.429. Following his death, his widow received a pension A-6-6-27.
Photos provided by JOHN ICARD, descendant.
Death: 01-30-1927
Submitted by WILL SHRIVER.
Samuel A. Conner, life long resident of Marshall County, veteran of the Civil War and pensioned employee of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company after 50 years of service, died at 12:30 a.m. Sunday at his home in Rosbys Rock following a lingering illness.
Mr. Conner was aged 82 years, seven months and nineteen days. He is survived by his wife, Mary, two sons, Bert and Elva [John Elva], both of Rosbys Rock, and one daughter, Mrs. Charles Davidson, of Rosbys Rock.
Mr. Conner was employed as a track laborer on the B & O Railroad vicinity of Rosbys Rock from time shortly after the railroad was built until 10 years ago, when he was pensioned.
He enlisted in the Union army on August 18, 1862, and served under the command of the late Captain W. L. Roberts, being honorably discharged on January 5, 1865, at Richmond, Va., witnessing the surrender of Lee, confederate general to Grant, Union Leader.
Funeral services will be held in the home Tuesday morning at 10:00. Interment will occur in Bowman M.E. Cemetary. Rev. J. M. Rine will have charge.
Mrs. Conner, the widow, has been in invalid for a long time, having never recovered from a broken hip sustained in a fall two and one half years ago.
Mr. Conner was a charter member of the Jr. O.U.A.M. at Rosby Rock and later was a member of the Mound City Jr. O.U.A.M. by consolidation. He was a member of the order for over thirty years. And in all that time he was never known to be in arrears.
[According to his gravestone, he was born 11 June 1844.]
Moundsville Journal, January 31, 1927
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
Samuel E. Conner, 82, one of Marshall county's few remaining Civil War veterans died at his home in Rosby's Rock, Sunday morning at 12:30 o'clock following a lengthy illness.
Mr. Conner was born and reared on a farm near Rosby's Rock and spent practically all of his life in this county, living on a farm near the scene of his birth.
He enlisted in the Union army on August 18, 1862, Company A, Twelfth West Virginia Regiment of Volunteers and served throughout the Civil War, being discharged from the army at Richmond, Va., on June 10, 1865. Mr. Conner was one of the few remaining witnesses to Lee's surrender to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
Returning from the war Mr. Conner entered the employe of the B. & O. railroad where he worked for nearly a half century as a track laborer, retiring about ten years ago on the pension list.
He was a charter member of the Jr. O.F.A.M. council at Rosby's Rock which has since been combined with Mound City Council No. 6, of this city.
Mr. Conner is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Conner, two sons, Burt and Elvie Conner, the latter of Moundsville and one daughter, Mrs. Charles Davis of Rosby's Rock. Mrs. Conner, the widow is an invalid, never having fully recovered from a fall two years ago.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning from the late home and interment will be made in the Bowman M. E. cemetery.
Undertaker D. C. Lutes was forced to embalm the body in the home, bottomless roads prohibiting removing the body to the undertaking establishment.