12th LOGO

PHILIP McCLEARY PELLEY, Private, Company "A"

Pension file provided by Brooks Hill; transcribed by Linda Fluharty.

Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions
Washington, D. C.
January 26, 1899
# 68189

     Will you kindly answer, at your convenience, the questions enumerated below? The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your family.
Very Respectfully, (Illegible)

Phillip Mc Pelley Co A, 12 Reg't WVa Vol. Inf.
Sherrard, Marshall Co. West Virginia

No. 1. Are you a married man? If so, please state yor wife's full name, and her maiden name.
Answer: Yes, Sarah Matilda Pelley, Sarah Matilda Morgan.

No. 2. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer: Dec 16 1869, Sherrard W.Va., by Rev. F. M. Hughes.

No. 3. What record of marriage Certificate exists?
Answer: Marriage Certificate

No. 4. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer: No.

No. 5. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth.
Answer: Yes. Harry Ross Pelley, born Dec 30, 1875; Laura Myrtle Pelley, born June 18, 1886; Arthur Morgan Pelley, born April 11, 1890.

Date of reply, Feb 1, 1899
Phillip Mc Pelley.

This same questionnaire, with essentially the same answers, was repeated January 15, 1912.

Marriage Certificate from Marshall County, WV County Court included in pension file. Middle initial of Sarah is incorrectly typed as "L"; other transcriptions of this record show "M".

(No Date)

I do hereby Certify, That PHILIP McPELLEY late a PRIVATE in Company "A" in the 12 Regiment of WVa VOL INFTY commanded by WM B. CURTIS in the war of 1861, was ON THE 18TH DAY OF JULY 1864 WHILE HIS REGIMENT WAS ENGAGED IN ACTION WITH THE REBELS, WOUNDED BY A MUSKET OR MINNIE BALL, TAKING EFFECT BELOW THE RIGHT EYE AND IN SUCH CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE EYE THAT HE HAS ALMOST ENTIRELY LOST THE SIGHT OF IT and that it has PARTIALLY disabled him from seeing how to perform labor, and that said disability arose when he was in the service of the United States, and in the line of his duty.


(Stamped Jun 13 1912) Act of May 11, 1912

State of WEST VIRGINIA, County of MARSHALL, ss:
On this 11th day of JUNE, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and twelve, personally appeared before me, a NOTARY PUBLIC who, being duly sworn according to the law, declares that he is 69 yars of age, and a resident of SHERRARD, county of MARSHALL, State of WEST VA, under the name of PHILIP Mc. PELLEY on the 8th of AUGUST, 1862, as a PRIV., in CO "A" 12 REG. WVa. VOL. INFT in the service of the United States, in the CIVIL war, and was HONORABLY DISCHARGED at RICHMOND, VA, on the 16th day of JUNE, 1865.

That he was not employed in the military or naval service of the United States otherwise than as stated above. That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 5 FEET 7 INCHES; complexion, DARK; color of eyes, BLACK; color of hair, DARK; that his occupation was FARMER; that he was born FEBRUARY 13th, 1843, at MARSHALL CO. W.VA.

That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: IN SHERRARD MARSHALL CO. W.VA.

That he is a pensioner under certificate No. 68189.

That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of May 11, 1912.

That his post office address is SHERRARD, county of MARSHALL, State of WEST VA.

(1) J. L. GARVIN
(2) R. S. MARPLE                    PHILIP MC. PELLEY

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of June, A. D. 1912....James Talbert, Notary Public (My Commission expires Nov 14, 1919.)

The following is a reply to a letter, May 21, 1913, from the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions requesting evidence of birth date.

(Stamped May 21 1913)
State of West Virginia County of Ohio ss:
In the matter of the pension claim of PHILIP Mc PELLEY late a PRIVATE in Company "A" of the 12th Regiment of West Virginia Inft. Vols. PHILIP McPELLEY aged 70 years, a resident of SHERRARD, West Va. whose Post Office address is SHERRARD MARSHALL COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

That he is unable to prove his birth by Public Record as none exists, also he has no knowledge of anyone who was present at his birth herewith enclosed be accepted from the fact he can not obtain any other proof, nor there is no baptismal record in existence. This Bible that I furnish is the property of a younger brother George B. Pelley, has the record of my Birth, along with many of our family. This Bible shows I was born February 15 1843, and I believe that is correct, and I was mistaken in a former statement when I stated that was born Feb 13, 1843. That was my impression then, but my memory is bad from the fact of 70 years, and I am satisfied this Bible record of my age is correct, and be accepted instead of other evidence required, and which I can not obtain.......know these facts from personal knowledge and observation and that I am the claimant - - Mc erased in McPelley.

Philip Mc Pelley

Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions
Washington, D. C.
March 25, 1915
     Please answer, at your convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children. Use the enclosed envelope, which requires no stamp.
Very Respectfully, (Illegible)

# 68189

Phillip Mc Pelley Sherrard, Marshall Co. West Virginia

No. 1. Date and place of birth?
Answer: 15 day Feb 1843, Marshall Co, Va
The name of organizations in which you served?
Answer: 12 W.Va. Co A.

No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment?
Answer: Moundsville, Va.

No. 3. State your wife's full name and her maiden name.
Answer: Sarah Matilda Pelly (Morgan)

No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer: Marshall Co. Rev. F. M. Hughes.

No. 5. Is there any official or church record of your marriage?
Answer: Marriage Certificate

No. 6. Were you previously married? Answer: No.

No. 7. If your present wife was married before her marriage to you, state the name of her former husband, the date of such marriage, and date and place of his death or divorce, and state whether he ever rendered any military or naval service, and, if so, give name of the organization in which he served. If she was married more than once before her marriage to you, let your answer include all former husbands.
Answer: John McCombs.
Date of marriage March 28, 1866
Date of death April 15, 1867
Served in Co. K. 1 Inf & D. scd Vet Inf, WVa (D. scd = Company D, 2nd)

No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation?
Answer: Yes.

No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead.
Carrie E. Pelley, Nov 27, 1870
Harry R. Pelley, Dec 30, 1875
Laura M. Pelley, June 18,1886
Arthur M. Pelley, April 11, 1890

March 24, 1915
Philip Mc Pelley

State of West Virginia
County of Marshall
No 1168234

Personally came before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid county and state SARAH M. PELLEY age 73 years resoding at Sherrard, county of Marshall, state of West Virginia being duly sworn and makes the following statement, that she is the legal widow of PHILIP Mc. PELLEY decd late Co A 12th Reg W.Va Inft. and that she further states that no member or members of her family served in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States during the World War - - beginning April 6th 1917. Also in reference to my husband's name. His correct and full name is Philip McCleary Pelley, his middle name being McCleary - the Mc Pelley was given by mistake during the Civil War.

Claimant's signature: Sarah M. Pelley

Witnesses: Theofore Smith and Arthur M. Pelley.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 21st day of March 1921.
James Talbert, Notary Public.

Sarah Morgan Pelley is apparently the d/o Thomas and Matilda Morgan.

1860 Census, Marshall County, WV:
MORGAN (2249)
Daniel...21-wm...farm hand...VA
William...20-wm...cabinet maker...VA
Milton...16-wm...farm hand...VA
Sarah M...13-wf...VA
Waitman W...5-wm...VA

From Roster of Department of West Virginia G. A. R.:

Commander, P. M. Pelley
Representative, J. G. JONES

Phillip Mc. Pelley was the 5th child of George and Priscilla Leach Pelley. Priscilla Leach Pelley was the older sister of Edward R. Leach of Marshall County. Philip McCleary Pelly died in 1920. Sarah Morgan Pelley died in 1934. Both are buried in the Allen Grove Presbyterian Cemetery, Rt. 88, Sherrard, Marshall County, WV.
