Peter Pugh Allison, served in Company "I" of the 12th Infantry. At the end of the war, the soldiers who still had time to serve were transferred to the 10th Infantry; Peter was transferred to Company "C."
East Liverpool Evening Review
East Liverpool, Columbiana County, Ohio
Monday 15 Oct 1917; Pg. 7.
Peter P. Allison, 75, Dies At Home Here
Peter Pugh Allison, for more than 50 years a resident of East Liverpool, died at his home, 232 West Sixth st., at 12:30 o'clock Sunday morning, following a brief illness of complication of measles. He would have been 75 years of age had he lived until today. Deceased was born in Hancock county, West Virginia, October 15, 1842. James and Sarah Allison, pioneer resident of that county were his parents. Soon after the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted with Company C, Tenth regiment. West Virginia Volunteers. He served until the close of the war. In 1886, he came to East Liverpool and settled on a farm now known as Gardendale. On this farm he maintained and operated East Liverpool's first dairy. His grandfather, Jonathon Allison, was one of the pioneer settlers of Hancock county. Deceased until one year ago was actively engaged in farming. He was a member of Gen. Lyon Post G.A.R. No. 44. Besides his widow Sarah Elizabeth, the following children survive: Mrs. James Plankington, W. O. Allison and Harry Allison, all of East Liverpool, and Aurella Allison at home. One sister Mrs. Adeline Hunter, also of this city survive. Seven grand children also mourn his death. Funeral service will be held from the late home at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in charge of the G. . R. and Sons of Veterans, Rev. D. W. McLeod, pastor of the First Presbyterian church will officiate. Interment will be made at Riverview cemetery. Friends may view the remains at the late home Monday evening.
Peter P. Allison, is named in the following biography of his family:
James Allison, a son of Jonathan Allison, deceased, was born in now Hancock county, W. Va., October 2, 1809. He has followed farming as his vocation. At present he owns 606 acres of land in Grant District. He married Sarah Pugh, daughter of Peter Pugh, November 25, 1830. They settled on the farm where they are now living. They reared a family of eight children, Jonathan J., Sarah Ann, Nancy Jane, Peter P., Adaline, James W., Charles and William W., who served six months in the war of 1861, in the Twelfth Virginia Regiment, and died at Winchester, May 13, 1863. Peter P. Allison served nearly three years in the war of 1861, in the Twelfth Virginia Regiment.
From History of the Pan-Handle, West Virgina,
Brant & Fuller, 1890; pages 448-449.
Submitted by Linda Fluharty.
Submitted by Theodore E. Lewis
Civil War "Honorably Discharged" medal claimed by Theodore E. Lewis from the W.Va. State Archives, 1990.