MARTIN SIMS, Company "A"
Transcribed by Linda Fluharty.
MARTIN SIMS A FIFER of Captain H. Tomlinson's Company A of the Twelfth Regiment of Virginia Volunteers was enlisted by Lt. Thomas Magruder of the TWELFTH Regiment of Va Vol Inft at Wheeling on the 22nd day of August 1862 to serve three years; he was born in Miflin Co in the state of Penna is *45 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair, and by occupation when enlisted a Farmer. During the last three months said soldier has been unfit for duty 20 days.
Said Martin Sims went home from Buckhannon on the 9th day of Oct 1862 was taken sick and remained there unfit for duty until the 1st of Feb 1860 when he rejoined the company - still unfit for duty - disease unknown.
Station: Winchester, Va.
Date: Feb 6th 1863
Capt Hagar Tomlinson
Commanding Company A 12th Va Vol Infty
I certify, that I have carefully examined the said MARTIN SIMS A FIFER of Captain H Tomlinsons Company, and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of Asthma - Blinded(?) and Debility from age, he is now *SIXTY ONE years of age and is unfit for Military duty.
J. C. Campbell, Surgeon 12th Regt Va Vol Infty
Discharged this FIRST day of APRIL 1863, at Winchester, Va.
R. H. --- , Maj Gen, Commanding the Post 2nd Div 8th AC
Note 1. When a probable case for pension, special care must be taken to state the degree of disability.
Note 2. The place where the soldier desires to be addressed may be here added.
*Martin Sims was 50 years old in the 1850 Marshall County, WV census. Wife was Jane, age 40, and children, John (6), Andrew (4) and Martin (1).
Declaration For Original Invalid Pension
State of Michigan
County of Van Buren
On this 25 day of Oct. A.D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven personally appeared before me Henry Williams Clerk; the same being a Court of Record of the County and State aforesaid MARTIN SIMS Sr. a resident of HARTFORD County of Van Buren State of MICHIGAN who being by me duly sworn according to law on his solemn oath deposes as follows to wit:
In January 1863, at Wheeling Va I was attacked with Asthma, contracted from exposure in the U.S. Service - I was treated by Dr Bryan Regtl Surgeon and was only in one Hospital - Mason & Slidell's - where I remained 3 months, when I was discharged on Surgeon's Certifivate. The disease has from its severity disabled me ever since so that I have never been able to do a full day's work - I claim a pension on Asthma-
I have never been employed in the Military or Naval Service of the United States otherwise than set forth above. Since leaving the Service, I have resided at Pennsylvania and Van Buren Co Mich. and my occupation as been FARMER and I am now partially disabled from obtaining my subsistence by manual labor by reason of my disabilities above stated, received in the service of the United States, and I make this Declaration for the purpose of being placed on the Invalid Pension Roll of the United States. I hereby appoint and empower, with full power of substitution, Nathan W. Fitzgerald, of Washington City, DC, my true and lawful Attorney to prosecute my claim. My Post Office address is HARTFORD County of Van Buren State of Michigan.
Witnesses: Rebecca Thomas & Nathan Thomas
Widow's Claim For Pension
State of Michigan
County of Eaton
On the 25 day of July, 1881, personally appeared before me, a Clerk of a Court of Record in and for the County and State aforesaid SARAH A. SIMS a resident of CHARLOTTE in the County of Eaton and State of Michigan aged 69 years, who being duly sowrn makes the following declaration, in order to obtain the Pension by the Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862, That she is the widow of MARTIN SIMS who was a PRIV in Company A commanded by H. TOMLINSON in the 12 Regiment in the War of 1861; that her maiden name was MENSCH (CRISTLER is scratched out. She was probably a widow when they married. Marriage record gives name as Sarrah Christler.) and that she was married to said MARTIN SIMS on or about the 18 day of NOV 1872 at LINCOLN in the County of OSCEOLA and State of MICH by M. L. SWAIN and that she knows of no record evidence of said marriage except her marriage certificate.
She further declares that said MARTIN SIMS her husband died at HARTFORD in the State of MICH on or about the 9 day of MCH 1878 of ASTHMA. She also declares that she has remained a widow ever since the death of said MARTIN SIMS and that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the rebellion on the United States; and she hereby appoints FITZGERALD & Co WASH DC as her lawful Attorneys, with power of substitution, and authorizes them to present and prosecute this claim, and to receive her pension certificates. Soldier was applicant for pension at date of death, No. 244.222.
My Post Office address is Charlotte, Eaton Co, Mich.
Signed by Sarah Sims
Witnessed by: Amos Dillin & C. Marion Jennings