JOHN W. EDWARDS, Company "A"
William...44-wm...hotel keeper...PA
Margaret...40-wf...VA (Note: Maiden name was Busby)
Mary E...21-wf...VA
Jane E...16-wf...VA
Jackson Reed...32-wm...sheriff...VA
Henry Folk...26-wm...gunsmith...PA
Mary Baker...30-wf...MD
Anna Baker...3-wf...VA
1880 Census, Marshall County, W.Va.
EDWARD (105)
John...38-wm...married this year...laborer...VA...PA...PA
Jane...24-wf...keeping house...VA...VA...VA
John NULLER...52-wm...blacksmith...GER....GER....GER
Mary NULLER...49-wf...keeping house...FRA...FRA...FRA
Charles NULLER...26-wm...wagon maker...VA...GER....FRA
Martha NULLER...24-wf...dress maker...VA...GER....FRA
Mary NULLER...21-wf...cook...VA...GER....FRA
John NULLER...22-wm...blacksmith...VA...GER....FRA
Anna NULLER...17-wf...home...VA...GER....FRA
Caroline NULLER...15-wf...home...VA...GER....FRA
George home...VA...GER....FRA
1900 Census, Marshall County, W.Va.
EDWARDS, 99-113
John...head...57...Dec 1842...M19yrs...WV...WV...WV...Day Laborer
Jane...wife...45...Nov 1854...M19yrs...3/2...WV...WV...WV...Wash Woman
John...son...22...Jan 1878...S...WV...WV...WV...Laborer Mill
May...dau...13...Jan school
Submitted by Carla Quigley Stone, gr-gr-granddaughter.
April, 14, 2002
My Grandma's family lost everything in the 1936 flood. Bibles, photos, etc. I know the Edwards' ran a hotel and I know for a long time after John was married, he and his wife always had a steady listing of boarders living with them. There is a lot of confusion with this family, though. My Grandma is still living at 93. She is very confused about a lot of her history, but we aren't sure what she knows and what she won't reveal because of embarrassment. There is still a lot I don't know, and stuck as to where to find the answers.
For a long time, I thought John W. Edwards couldn't be my gr-gr-grandfather, until I ordered his military papers. Then, of course, I realized he was and had to go in and put back all the data I had on him. This is why:
He married Jane Stilwell in 1880. They are shown living together on Water Street in 1880 census. My gr-grandmother, Lewella May Edwards, was born in 1887. The 1900 census shows them living with daughter, May, aged 13, son, John, aged 22. John was born out of wedlock in 1878, and had last name Stilwell. Where he was in 1880 census is beyond me. He isn't shown living with her parents, her siblings or any of his family. A mystery to be sure.
In 1909, my May got pregnant by a neighbor boy, Orton Rader. My grandma was born in Sept 1909. May died 9 days later of septicemia. 1910 Census shows just Jane and my Grandma living together. Jane is listed as Married, yet John is no where to be found.
The 1920 census shows Jane as Widowed, living with my grandma, and John Stilwell (Jane's son). He is widowed now, too. He was married to Edith Fuller Connelly, but their location between 1900 and 1920 unknown. John is across town living with his sister.
This is why I thought John was wrong one. He did not die until 1921, but Jane is listed as widowed... Then I find his obituary. Which adds even more confusion to the mix.
"John W Edwards dies at home"
John W Edwards, a veteran of the civil was died at his home at 212 Tomilson Avenue at 3 O'Clock Friday Afternoon of heart touble.
He was 79 years of age. He is survived by one sister, Mrs HW Hunter, and 3 nephews.
Funeral Services will be held at the late residence Sunday Afternoon, at 2:30 with Rev JE Scott to charge. Interment will be in Mount Rose.
I am guessing there might have been some kind of rift that developed with his daughter getting pregnant by the neighbor boy, his wife was supportive and he left. But then again, he also had a child out of wedlock, so you would think he would be a little more understanding. He is buried in Mt Rose with his Edwards family members. (Photo) Jane is no where to be found. Actually I am yet to find her. Her funeral records didn't list cemetery and her obit was incomplete.
Whenever I have asked my grandma about her family I always get a different story. I'm not sure what she knew and what they hid from her. I found out her father's name from her birth certificate; I don't think she ever knew his name. She remembers her grandfather so I know he was around. She always thought he was her paternal grandfather though. Since her maiden name was Edwards, she assumed her mom's married name was Edwards. She told me about John's Civil War uniform and other things that were lost in flood. A lot of those details are lost to me as I was a lot younger and not researching. It was just a story she told and I listened.
Worse yet, I found out that her father has 2 other daughters that could still be living, being that one is only 10 years older than my own dad. They may be my only link to finding out about what my gr grandfather was like and I can't find them.. But I got off track...
I wish I knew more about John W. Edwards. His military file helped me put some info back in place, but I would love to find out why he wasn't living with his wife. I so wish I had his medal! My Grandma was his only descendant. It's more comforting to know that the Ohio river took the medal than it being in someone else's hands. I know sounds selfish :)
I certify that I have thi(unreadable) personally interviewed the above named pensioner, and I am satisfied that he is the soldier and pensioner that he represents himself to be.
Signed H.G. Ellis
Special Examiner
February 10, 1912
I, J. E. Chase, Clerk of the County Court of said Marshall County and as such the legal custodian of the marriage records thereof, hereby certify that John W. Edwards and Jane Stilwell were united in marriage at Moundsville on the 29th day of January 1880 by James A Fullerton a licensed Minister of the Gospel and the due return thereof made to this office as required by law.
Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at Moundsville, this 29th day of January A.D. 1921
Signed J.E. Chase
Arrange papers in Invalid Claims. 1. Declaration; 2. Soldier’s statements as to origin; 3. A.G.; 4. S.G.; 5. Cert of Dis. Let history as to origin, continuance, &c,. follow in regular order. In Widows’ and dependent relatives’ claims- Let evidence of soldier’s death, marriage, dependence, &c., follow evidence of origin and continuance of fatal disease.
No. Name and PO address, Date of Filing, Subject
Sept 21 1885 Declaration
1 John W Edwards Moundsville, Marshall Co, W.Va.
2 July 13, 1889 Claimants statement
3 Oct. 27, 1885 Claimants statement
4 A.G.
5 S.G.
6 Wm. F Magers Moundsville, W.Va., July 6, 1888 Origin of diarrhea & Cont. of same A.G. present, cred good
7 W.J. Burley Moundsville, W.Va. July 6, 1888 No recollection, cred good
8 John A Trenton Moundsville, W.Va. Feb 28, 1888 Origin of diarrhea A.G. present, cred good
9 Samuel Brown New Dale, W.Va. Feb 28, 1888 Origin of diarrhea A.G. present, cred good
10 Price V Tomlinson Moundsville W.Va. July 13, 1889 Contin of diarrhea, cred good
11 Surgeon’s Certificate
This must be executed before a Court of Record or some officer thereof having custody of the seal
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall, ss. On this 17th day of Sept. A.D., one thousand eight hundred and eighty five personally appeared before me clerk of the County Court a COURT OF RECORD within and for the county and State aforesaid John W Edwards aged 43 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical John W Edwards who was ENROLLED on the 8 day of Aug 1862, in company A on the 12’’ regiment of W.Va. commanded by Capt. W.L. Roberts and was honorably DISCHARGED at Richmond on the 16” day of June, 1865. That his personal description is as follows: Age 43 years; height 5 feet 9 inches; complexion dark; hair black; eyes blue. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service in the line of his duty at Bloody Run in the state of Va. on or about the 4” day of July 1863.
(Here state name or nature of disease, or the location of wound or injury. If disabled by disease, state fully its cause; if by wound or injury, the precise manner in which received.) He from exposure and privation in the field, contracted chronic diarrhea, which disease has permanently impaired his health, weakening his back and strength to labor.
That he was treated in hospitals as follows: (left blank)
That he has NOT been employed in military or naval service otherwise than as stated above.
That he has not been in the military or naval service of the United States since the 16” day of June 1865.
That since leaving the service this applicant has resided in the town of Moundsville in the state of W.Va. and that his occupation has been that of a farmer.
That prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good, sounds, physical health, being when enrolled a private soldier. That he is now MUCH disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries, above described, received in the service of the United States; and therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States. He hereby appoints with full power of substitution and revocation SOULE & CO., of Washington D.C. his true and lawful attorneys to prosecute his claim. That he has NOT received OR applied for a pension. That his post office is Moundsville, Marshall Co, W.Va.
C.C. Mathews
T.W. Manning
John W. Edwards
May 26 1886
I have the honor to request that you will furnish the records of the War Department a full repot as to the service, disability, and hospital treatment of John W Edwards, who, it is claimed, enlisted August 18, 1862 and served as private in Co “A”, 12 Reg’t W.Va. Inf and was discharged at Richmond, June 16, 1865.
While serving in Co A, 12 reg’t W.Va. Inf, he was disabled by chronic diarrhea and results, contracted at Bloody Run, Va. In July 1863 and was treated in hospitals of which the names, location, and dates of treatment are as follows: regimental hospital.
Very respectfully,
J A (unreadable) commissioner
Respectfully returned to the Adjutant General, U.S. Army.
For lack of evidence as to treatment within named soldier in any hospital other than Regimental, no information bearing upon this case can be elicited from the records on file in this Office.
Such hospital records of the 12th West Va. Vols. (consistent on numerical reposts) as were on file in this Office have been transferred to the office of the Adjutant General of the Army.
May 26, 1886
By order of the Acting Surgeon General
Signed: B.T. Pope
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.
John W Edwards a Private of Company “A” 12th Regiment W.Va. Inf. Volunteers, was enrolled on the 8th day of August 1862. at Moundsville for 3 years, and is reported on muster rolls from enrollment to April 30, 1865. present.
Mustered out with Co. as private at Richmond, VA, June 16, 1865, Return for July 1863 does not report him absent.
Regimental hospital files are not on file.
The Records of this Office furnish no evidence of alleged disabilities.
Signed: R.C. Orum
Adjutant General
March 7, 1888
Respectfully requested of the ADJUTANT GENERAL U.S.A. a report from the records of his Office as to the presence or absence on or about July ’63 and 1864 of Samuel Brown and John A Trenton.
Of Co “A” 12 W.Va. Inf and the station, at that date of the Co.
Inv. Claim No 550110
Jno W. Edwards
Co “A” 12 W.Va. Inf
Signed: John C Black
# 550110
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.
On roll Co A, 12” W.Va. Inf. May and June /63. Samuel Brown and John _ Trenton Pvts. are reported present. July and Aug /63, May and June /64, Same. July and Aug /64. Brown, Present. Trenton Absent sick since July 10/64.
Status of Co July 30/63, Sharpsburg, Md. July 31/64 (unreadable)ville, Md, New Hagerstown.
Reg’t Return July /63 Trenton detached as (unreadable) does not report Brown absent, July /64. Trenton in hospital at Cumberland and does not report Brown absent.
The records of this office furnish no further information as to presence or absence covering pension called for.
R.C. Drum
Adjutant General
Respectfully requested of the ADJUTANT GENERAL U.S.A. a report from the records of his Office as to the presence or absence on or about the summer of 1864. of Maj. W.J. Burley & Wm. F. Magers, pvt. Of Co A-12 W.Va. Inf and the station, at that date, of the Co and Reg’t.
Inv. Claim No. 550110
Jno. W. Edwards
A-12 W.Va. V. I.
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.
**Will _ Burley a 1st Lieut. Of Company A 12” Regiment West Virginia Volunteers is reported on returns for May, June and July /64 present. Aug /64 absent on sick leave since Aug 5 /64. (He was subsequently Major.)
William F Magers, private Co A 12” W.Va. Vols. Is found on rolls May & June and July & Aug /64 present. Return July /63 does not show him absent.
Station: Summer of 1864 In the field Va.
**(Not found as W. J. Burly)
R.C. Drum
Adjutant General
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall, ss:
In the matter of Invalid pension claim No 550.110 of John W. Edwards Co A 12 W.Va. Inf. Vol.
ON THIS 20 day of May A.D. 1889; personally appeared before me notary public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, in the County of Marshall and State of W.Va. whose post office is Moundsville, W.Va. well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That he is unable to comply with the requirements of the Pension Office as to: Moundsville, W.Va. I was never in any hospital and was never treated in any hospital. For reason that there was no hospital convenient at Louden, PA. The doctor had no medicine and at Hall Town, VA, he was in very poor health and would not go to hospital.
John W Edwards
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall, ss:
On this 24th day of May A.D. one thousand nine hundred and twelve, personally appeared before me a Deputy Clerk County Court within and for the county and state aforesaid, John W Edwards who, being duly sworn according to law declares that he is 69 years of age and a resident of Moundsville, county of Marshall, state of West Virginia; and that he is the identical person who was ENROLLED at Moundsville, W.Va. under the name of John W Edwards on the 8th day of August 1862, as a private in Co A, 12th Infty. Regiment, West Va. Volunteers in the service of the United States in the Civil War and was HONARABLY DISCHARGED at Richmond, VA, on the 16th Day of June 1865.
That he was not employed in the military or naval service of the United States otherwise and than stated above. That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height 5 feet 9 inches; complexion, dark; color of Eye, Blue; color of hair, Black; that his occupation was Farmer; that he was born December 10th, 1842 at Marshall Co, W.Va.
That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: Moundsville, W.Va. That he is pensioner under certificate No 465231. That he has applied for pension under original No. 465231.
Signed John W Edwards
1 Henry Warsinski
2 E.B. Moore
Same document as above with the following differences:
Date 23 January 1913
Age 70 years.
1 Place of Death (Dist. No 2681_ Series No 66 Division of Vital Statistics
County Marshall
District Washington
Town or City Moundsville, W.Va. No. 212 Tomlinson Ave.
2 FULL NAME John W Edwards
Personal and Statistcal Particulars
3 SEX - Male
6 DATE OF BIRTH - Dec 10, 1842
7 AGE - 80 yrs. 11 mos. 1 ds.
8 OCCUPATION - Retired
10 NAME OF FATHER - William Edwards
12 MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER - Margaret Busby
informant Mrs. H.W. Hunter
address Moundsville W.Va.
15 FILED - Nov. 14, 1921 D.B. Ealy; registrar
16 DATE OF DEATH - Nov 11, 1921
17 I HEREBY CERIFY that I attended the deceased ffrom Oct 10, 1921 to Nov 11, 1921 that I last saw him alive on Niv 11, 1921 and that death occurred, on the date stated above at 3 p.m.
The CAUSE OF DEATH was as follows:
Organic Heart Disease
Signed: J.H. Leuikart M.D.
Nov 12, 1921, Moundsville, W.Va.
DATE OF BURIAL - Nov 12, 1921
20 UNDERTAKER - E.F. Grisell Moundsville W.Va.
Inv Cert No 465231
Soldier John W Edwards
Service A 12 W.Va. Inf
Class ACT OF MAY 1, 1920 Group 3
Dec 19, 1921
Check No 2915731 $150 dated Dec 4, 1921, Section7 returned by postmaster with information that the above described pensioner died Nov 11, 1921, has been canceled.
Nov 23, 1921
The name of the above described pensioner who was last paid at the t rater of $50 per month to Sept. 4 1921 has this day been dropped from the roll because of death Nov 11, 1921
I, Francis L, Ferguson, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Marshall County, West Virginia, do hereby certify that id does not appear from an examination of the records of said Circuit Court of Marshall County that either Jane Edwards or John W Edwards, now deceased, ever applied for or obtained a decree of divorce in said court.
Given under my hand and seal of the said court affixed at the court house in said county this 8th day of March, A.D. 1922.
Francis L Ferguson
Clerk of the Circuit court
Marshall Co, W.Va.
2 such documents with similar info found on John W Edwards original declaration. Both state neither had been previously married, nor divorced. No children under age of 16 are listed.
State of West Virginia County of Marshall ss:
In the matter of Wid Org pension Jane Edwards Wid John W Edwards, A 12th W.Va. Inf.
On this 10th day of December, A>D> 1921, personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths William N Lindsey aged 80 years a resident of Marshall and state of West Virginia whose post office address is No. -12th Street Moundsville, W.Va. and Elizabeth Ernst aged 63 years, a resident of Moundsville, county of Marshall, State of West Virginia whose post office address is No 1410 Water Street Moundsville, West Va. Well known to be reputable and entitled to credit and who being duly sworn declared in relation to aforesaid case is as follows:
That they knew John W Edwards as he grew up to manhood and became of marriageable age being associates of his meeting with him at sociable gathering and places of amusements where young people are in the habit of gathering. And that they know from personal knowledge that he the said John W Edwards was not married previous to his marriage to Jane Stilwell. They further declare that had there been a prior marriage they would have known of it.
State of West Virginia County of Marshall ss:
In the matter of Wid Org pension Jane Edwards Wid John W Edwards, A 12th W.Va. Inf.
On this 10th day of December, A>D> 1921, personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths William N Lindsey aged 80 years a resident of Marshall and state of West Virginia whose post office address is No. -12th Street Moundsville, W.Va. and Elizabeth Ernst aged 63 years, a resident of Moundsville, county of Marshall, State of West Virginia whose post office address is No 1410 Water Street Moundsville, West Va. Well known to be reputable and entitled to credit and who being duly sworn declared in relation to aforesaid case is as follows:
That they knew Jane Stilwell in her young days and as she grew up to womanhood and became of marriageable age being associates of his meeting with him at sociable gathering and places of amusements where young people are apt to go. And that they know from personal knowledge that she never married pryor to her marriage to John W Edwards. They further declare that their acquaintance with her was such that had there been a prior marriage they would have known of it.
State of West Virginia County of Marshall ss:
In the matter of Wid Org pension Jane Edwards Wid John W Edwards, A 12th W.Va. Inf.
On this 10th day of December, A.D. 1921, personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths William N Lindsey aged 80 years a resident of Marshall and state of West Virginia whose post office address is No. -12th Street Moundsville, W.Va. and Elizabeth Ernst aged 63 years, a resident of Moundsville, county of Marshall, State of West Virginia whose post office address is No 1410 Water Street Moundsville, West Va. Well known to be reputable and entitled to credit and who being duly sworn declared in relation to aforesaid case is as follows:
That they were were personally acquainted and knew John W Edwards and Jane Edwards his wife for the past number of 50 years and that they were never divorced and were recognized as husband and wife in the community which they resided. And that she, Jane Edwards, has not remarried since the death of John W Edwards. They further declare that their means of knowing were such that has the facts been other than as stated they would have known of it.
27 July 1928, due to death