12th LOGO


Compiled by Linda Cunningham Fluharty.

History of the Upper Ohio Valley,
Brant & Fuller, 1890 ; Vol. I, pages 710-711.

Among the early settlers to this region of Marshall county, late in the eighteenth century, were George and Elizabeth Jones. They raised a goodly family, Mary, Margaret, Philip, Abram, Daniel, Jeremiah, Betsy, Sallie, Samuel, Garrett, Ann, and George W., of whom Samuel and George W. are the only survivors. Samuel, at the age eighteen, began to preach, and he subsequently traveled on a circuit. He has given much of his time to clerical duties. Rev. Samuel Jones was married in 1830, to Elizabeth Standiford, of Maryland, who still lives as the helpmate of her husband. They have had eight children: Elizabeth R., wife of Housand Riggs; John G., who served in the United States army three years, and was seriously wounded at Piedmont; Mary J., wife of Dr. Samuel Griffith, both now deceased; George L., who enlisted in the Twelfth regiment West Virginia, and was killed at Piedmont; Anna R., wife of William Goudy; Philip, deceased; Theodore S. and Samuel E., the subject of this sketch. Samuel E. was born in Marshall county in 1845. He has given his life to farm duties, is now one of the prosperous people of the county, and none are more highly esteemed by those who know him. In religious work, and in the case of the Methodist church he has been an active worker, having filled various offices, and taken much interest in the Sunday-school. On November 2, 1867, he was married to Martha E., daughter of Jacob T., and Mary Jane (Griffith) Cox, prominent pioneer settlers and Methodists of Marshall county. Mrs. Jones has been a member of that church since her fifteenth year. To this marriage have beeb born six children: Lenora O., Lillie H., Theodore F. D., Lizzie B., Glenna F., and Chauncey W.

Submitted by Linda Fluharty.

National Archives Pension File

Transcribed by Linda Fluharty.

Certificate of Disability for Discharge
Army of the United States

JOHN G. JONES a Sergeant of Captain W. L. Roberts Company (A) of the 12 Regiment W.Va. was enlisted by Lieut. Magruder at Moundsville, W.Va. on the Thirteenth day of August, 1862, to serve THREE years; he was born in MARSHALL CO in the State of VIRGINIA, is TWENTY EIGHT years of age, SIX feet .... high, DARK complexion, BLACK eyes, BLACK hair, and by occupation when enlisted a FARMER. Suring the last two months said soldier has been unfit for duty 60 days and is unfit for duty in Veteran Reserve Corps.
Station: US Gen Hosp, Fort Monroe
State: July 12, 1865

E. M. Clellan, Assistant Surgeon USA

I certify that I have carefully examined the said JOHN G. JONES of Captain W. L. Roberts Company, and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of loss of index fingers of the left hand, fracture of his third metacarpal bones & contraction of the flexor tendons of all the fingers. The result of gun shot wounds recd in action JUNE 5 - 1864.
Disability - 1/2.

E. M. Clellan, Assistant Surgeon USA

Discharged this thirteenth day of July, 1865, at US Gen Hospital Fort Monroe, Va.

E. M. Clellan
Asst Surgeon, USA

Officer's Certificate to Disability of Soldier.

Place, Moundsville, W. Va.
Date, December 1st 1865

I certify, on honor, That I was Captain of Company A, of the 12th Regiment of West Virginia Inft Volunteers, and am acquainted with John G. Jones who was a member of my Company. When he entered the service of the United States he was in good health & a sound man in every particular as far as I know.

To my knowledge he was disabled while in the service of the United States, and in the lin eof duty at Peidmont on or about the 5th day of June 1865, by a gunshot wound in the left hand, the ball taking off his fore finger & lodging in his musket stalk shattering it into fragments by reason of which his hand was badly bruised & paralyzed and is now of but little use to him.

Hager Tomlinson
Capt of Co A, 12th Va Regt Inft.

Declaration for Invalid Pension

The State of West Virginia
Marshall County, ss

On this 12th day of December A. D. 1865 personally appeared before me Housan Riggs Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for the County and State aforesaid, JOHN G. JONES who enlisted in the service of the United States at Moundsville on the Thirteenth day of August in the year 1862 as a PRIVATE in Company "A" commanded CAPTAIN HAGAR TOMLINSON in the Twelfth regiment of West Virginia Infty in the war of 1861, and was honorably discharged on the 19th day of July in the year 1865, as will appear by his certificate of discharge herewith presented; that while in the service aforesaid, and in the line of his duty at PIEDMONT in the State of Virginia on the Fifth day of June A.D. 1864 in an engagement at said place & while making a charge on the rebel breastworks received gunshot wound in the left hand taking off the forefinger & paralyzing the whole hand by reason of which he has lost almost entirely the use of it. His occupation when entering the service was a farmer and by reason of his disability he is unable to follow his former calling. And he hereby constitutes & appoints Hanson Criswell his attorney in fact to prosecute this claim & obtain a pension certificate. His post office address is Moundsville Marshall County West Virginia.

That since leaving said service has resided at Marshall County and his occupation has been DOING NOTHING ON ACCT OF DISABILITY.

He makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the Invalid Pension Rolls of the United States, by reason of the disability above-stated.

(Signature of Claimant) JOHN G. JONES

Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
August 20, 1887.
So. Div.
Cert No. 65.797
Co. A 12 WVa Vol Inft

     I have the honor to request that you will furnish from the records of the War Department a full Report as to the service, disability and hospital treatment of JOHN G. JONES, who, it is claimed, enlisted Aug 13, 1862 and served as Sergt. in Co A 12th Regt WVa Vol Inft; and was discharged at FORT MONROE VA JULY 19, 1865.
     While serving in Co A 12" Regt WVa Vols he was disabled by gunshot wound of left hand at Piedmont Va June 5, 1864 and was treated in hospitals of which the names, location, and dates of treatment are as follows: REGT HOSPITAL

John C. Black, Commissioner

Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Washington, D. C., Feby 12, 1912
Cert. No. 65797
Moundsville, W.Va.

     Sir: To aid this Bureau in preventing anyone falsely personating you, or otherwise committing fraud in your name, or on account of your service, you are required to answer fully the questions enumerated below.
     You will please return this circular under cover of the inclosed envelope which requires no postage.
Very respectfully,
H. G. Ellis, Commissioner

1. Where were you born?
Answer. Marshall County W.Va.

2. Where did you enlist?
Answer. Moundsville, W.Va Aug 13th 1862

3. Where had you lived before you enlisted?
Answer. In Marshall County WVa

4. What was your occupation?
Answer. Farmer

5. Were you a slave?.....
Answer. NO.

6. Where were you discharged?
Answer. U. S. General Hospital, Fort Monroe, Jul 15, 1865

7. Where have you lived since discharge? Give dates as nearly as possible, of any changes of residence.
Answer. In Marshall County W.Va. and on the same farm.

8. What is your present occupation?
Answer. I am not able to do anything.

9. What is your height? 6 feet. The color of your skin? dark. Are there any permanent marks or scars on your person? If so, describe them. Left hand badly crippled by gunshot wound received in battle at Piedmont Va June 5th 1864.

10. Were you in the military or naval service under a name different from that by which you are now known? If so, state what it was. NO.

11. Have you ever been known by any names other than that given in your application for pension? If so, state them in full. NO.

12. By what name are you now known? State in full. JOHN GARRET JONES

13. What is your actual residence at the present time, and what is the nearest post office?
Answer. Marshall County W.Va. R.F.D #1, Moundsville, W.Va.


Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Washington DC, January 2, 1915

John G. Jones
R. F. D. 1
Moundsville, W. Va.

     Sir: Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children. Use the enclosed envelope, which requires no stamp.

No. 1. Date and place of birth?
Answer. Nov 24th 1834 in Marshall County, W.Va.
Answer. 12th Regiment W.Va. Infantry.

No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment?
Answer. Moundsville

No. 3. State your wife's full name and her maiden name.
Answer. Elizabeth Jones, nee Elizabeth Baird.

No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer. May 18th 1858 in Marshall County W.Va. by S. R. Dawson

No. 5. Is there any official or church record of your marriage?
Answer. Don't know.

No. 6. Were you previously married?
Answer. NO.

No. 8. Are you now living with your wife, or has there been a separation?
Answer. My wife died May 10th 1885.

No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead.
Answer. SAMUEL WILBERT JONES born Feb 25th 1859; ALICE CORA JONES born Feb 17th 1861 (now dead); CHESTER HALE JONES born June 2nd 1868.

July 1st. 1920
Moundsville, W. Va. R. D. #1

Commissioner of Pensions

Sear Sir,

My Father, a pensioner under Certificate NO. 65797, died June 24th. 1920.

Very Truly Yours
Wilbert Jones.
