12th LOGO

JOHN C. CROW, Company "A"

History of the Upper Ohio Valley
Vol. I, pages 692-693. Brant & Fuller, 1890.

Submitted by Linda Fluharty

     John C. Crow, a prosperous farmer of Fairview Ridge, was born in Marshall county, April 28, 1839, the son of William and Rachel (Crow) Crow. His father was a successful farmer, prominent in the Methodist church, who passed away November 7, 1888, aged about eighty years. His wife died September 5, 1883, aged about seventy-five years. Their twelve children were named: Mary, Sophia, Margaret J., Eliza, Rachel A., Amanda, William, Absalom, John C., Alfred, Jacob T. and Sarah L. John C., at the age of twenty-one years, enlisted in Company A, Twelfth West Virginia regiment, in August, 1862, took part in the battles of Winchester and Piedmont, was in Hunter's raid, in many dangerous skirmishes, and at Hatcher's Run; near the close of the war he was wounded. Subsequently he was in hospital until his discharge in November, 1865. He was a gallant and heroic soldier, and his health was permanently impaired by his exposures and hardships. During his service he was never at home except two or three days, when he came to Wheeling with some prisoners. He is now one of the leading citizens of the county, and he and his estimable wife command the respect of the community. To Ida, daughter of William F. and Nancy J. (Cunningham) Hopkins, he was married November 13, 1883, and their married life has beeen blessed with one child, Roy Russell. Mrs. Crow is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a republican in politics.

Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen
by H. H. Hardesty, 1894; Vol. II, page 571.

Provided by Shirley Fox Allen

     J. C. CROW - In the spring of 1862, enlisted from Moundsville, W.Va., at the age of 21 years as a private in Co. A, 12th W.Va. V. I. March 31, 1865 he was wounded by gunshot at Hatcher's Run, and was in hospital for same, until Sept., 1865, when he was honorably discharged at Wheeling, W.Va., having taken part in the battles of Winchester, Bloody Run, Petersburg, Piedmont, and several others; he was also detailed at one time to take charge of prisoners and convey them to Wheeling. Absolem, a brother, belonged to Co. A, 12th W.Va. V. I. Comrade Crow was a son of William and Rachel (Crow) Crow, both of whom are now deceased, and was born April 28, 1838, in Marshall county, W.Va., where he was married in Dec. 1882 to Ida B. Hopkins. She was born April 8, 1863 in this county, a daughter of William T., and Nancy J. (Cunningham) Hopkins, both living (1894). They have had one son, Roy. Comrade Crow is a member of the M. E. Church and is engaged in farming two miles east of Moundsville, W.Va., which is his P. O. address.
