Transcribed by Linda Fluharty.
PRIVATE HENRY HOLMES of Captain Will Burley's Company A of the 12th W.Va. Inft. Regiment of United States Volunteers was enlisted by Lieut Magruder at Cameron West Va. on the Eleventh day of August 1862, to serve three years; he was born in MARSHALL CO. in the State of West Virginia is EIGHTEEN years of age, FIVE FEET NINE INCHES high, FAIR complexion, BLUE eyes, LIGHT hair, and by occupation when enlisted a FARMER. During the last two months said soldier has been unfit for duty 60 days. His own statement is that he received a gunshot when in line of battle at New Market Va May 15th 1864 since which has done no duty. He entered the hospital from Naval School Hospital Anapolis Maryland, Nov. ??, 1864, with gunshot wound of right lung. His whole conduct has been meritorious since here.
Station: USA Genl. Hospl. Grafton, W.Va.
Date: May 23d 1865.
S. N. Sherman
Surgeon US Vols in charge
I certify, that I have carefully examined the said PRIV. HENRY HOLMES of Captain Will Burley's Company, and I find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of gun shot wound of right lung. A conical ball entered the chest in part severing cartilage of the 4th rib and at its exit the body of the rib, two fifths or one half the distance from the sternum to the spine, he being in a squating? position when wounded. Some inability to up right arm from injury to pectoral muscle exists and considerable shortness of breath but auscultation no serious or permanent injury to the lung.
His disability at present is total and as such renders him unfit for transfer to the Veteran Reserve Corps. It was received in the line of duty, and is from no other cause than that above named.
S. N. Sherman
US Vols in charge
Discharged this twenty-eighth day of May 1865, at USA General Hospital Grafton, W. Va.
S. N. Sherman
US Vols in charge
The soldier desires to be addressed at
Claim for Invalid Pension
State of West Virginia
County of Ohio
On this 27th day of June 1865, personally appeared before me Jacob Burkle Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County and State aforesaid, HENRY HOLMES of the County of Marshall, and State of West Virginia who, being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the befits of the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July 14th, 1862; that his age is 18 years; that he is the identical HENRY HOLMES who enlisted in the service of the United States at Cameron, West Va. on or about the Eleventh day of August 1862 as a Private in Company A commanded by Captain Hager Tomlinson in the 12th Regiment of West va. Infantry Volunteers in the war of 1861; and ws honorably discharged on the 28th day of May 1865; that while in the service aforesaid and in the line of duty he incurred the following disability - At New Market, Va. May 15, 1864, he received a musket-ball in the right breast from the effects of which he cannot stand any considerable exertion, and is unfitted for work. - Captain Hager Tomlinson was succeeded in command of said Co. by Capt. Will Burley.
Since leaving the service he has resided as aforesaid, and has been engaged in no occupation.
His Post Office address is Ryerson's Station, Greene Co. Pennsylvania.
This declaration is made to recover the Invalid Pension provided by the aforesaid Act of Congress, approved July 14th, 1862; and the applicant hereby appoints and acknowledges George B. Caldwell, of Wheeling, Ohio County, West Va., as his true and lawful attorney to present and prosecute this claim, and to receive whatever may be issued in satisfaction thereof.
(Signature) Henry Holmes, Claimant
Samuel F. Younkins, Witness
N. E. Doman, Witness
Also personally appeared Samuel F. Younkin and N. E. Doman, both of Marshall County, and State of West Virginia, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, say that they were present and saw the above named Henry Holmes the applicant, who was a Private in Company A Commanded by Will Burley in the 12th Regiment of West Va Volunteers (Infty) and know the applicant to be the identical person he represents himself to be.
They know these facts because of serving in the same Co. and regt. fpr 3 years.
Since leaving the service the habits of the applicant have been strictly temperate and he has been engaged in no occupation..... and that they the deponents have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim.
Sworn and subscribed to before me and in each other's presence, by both Henry Holmes, claimant, and Sam. F. Younkin and N. E. Doman, witnesses, on the day and year first above written and I hereby certify that I have no interest whatever in the prosecution of this claim.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. Done at Wheeling, County and State aforesaid.
Jacob Burkle, Clerk Circuit Court
Ohio County, West Va.
Affidavit of Henry Holmes
State of West Va.
Ohio County
On this 30th day of April 1873 personally appeared before me Samuel B. McColloch Clerk of the Circuit Court of Ohio County in the said State HENRY HOLMES aged 28 years a resident of Green County Pennsylvania whose P.O. address is Ryerson Station in said Green Co. Pennsylvania who being sworn according to law declares that he is a pensioner of the United States duly enrolled at the Pittsburgh pension Agency at the rate of Eight dollars per month by reason of disability incurred in the military service of the United States whilst a private in Company "A" in the 12th Regiment of West Va Volunteers which said pension at the rate of eight dollars per month was paid to him up to the fall of 1869 when it was reduced to six dollars per month and which last named pension was paid to him to the 4th day of March 1873; and that his present physical condition is such that he believes himself entitled to receive an increased pension of the third grade provided for in the first section of the supplementary pension act - approved June 6, 1866. He further declares that he is disabled in the following manner, towit: that he was wounded by a bullet at the battle of New Market, Virginia about the 15th May 1864, which entered his right chest and near the top of the breast bone and came out under his right shoulder blade which incapacitated him from using his right arm to a great extent as when he does so it produces effusion from the wound. He also labors under increasing shortness of breath from the effects of said wound.
Also personally appeared before me at the time and place aforesaid GEORGE W. JOHNSON and WILLIAM JOHNSTON whom I certify to be credible persons, who, being duly sworn according to law declared for himself that they well knew Henry Holmes who signed the foregoing declaration in their presence; and that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, and that he is disabled substantially in the manner alleged in said declaration. They further swear that they or either of them, have no interest in this claim, either present or prospective and that they are not concerned, directly or individually, in its prosecution.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30 day of April 1873; and I hereby that I have no interest direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.
Department of the Interior
Pension Office
Dec 31", 1886
I have the honor to request that you will furnish from the records of the War Department a full Report as to the service, disability and hospital treatment of HENRY HOLMES, who it is claimed, enlisted August 11, 1862, and served as a private in Co "A", 12" Reg't W.Va. Vols. and was discharged at Grafton, W.Va., May 25, 1865.
While serving in Co "A" 12" Regt W.Va. Vols he was disabled by gunshot wound of right lung and varicose veins of right leg. Gunshot alleged to have been received at the battle at New Market Va, May 15" 1864. and was treated in hospitals of which the names, location, and dates of treatment are as follows: No hospl. treatment alleged. (Certificate of disability shows him discharged from Grafton Genl Hosp May 28" 1865, on account of said gunshot wound.)
John C. Black
War Department
Adjutant General's Office
Washington, Mch 23, 1887
No. 47.625
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions.
HENRY HOLMES, a PRIVATE of Company "A" 12 Regiment Va. (Sub W.Va.) Inf. Volunteers, was enrolled on the 11 day of August, 1862 at Moundsville 3 years, and is reported on muster rolls from enrollment to April 30, 1864 present. May and June 1864. July and Aug. 1864 absent. Wounded May 15, 1864. Same to Dec 1864. January and Feb 1865 absent sick at Grafton same to April 30, 1865. Co. was in action at New Market Va. May 15 1864.
Prisoner of War Records show him captured at New Market, Va May 15. 64. Admitted to Hospital at Staunton Va July 2. 64 with G.S.W. chest. "Admitted to hospital Richmond Va. July 3. 64 with VL right breast" Paroled at Aikens Landing Va August 13.64. Admitted to Hospital Div 1 Annapolis Md Aug 14. 64 cause not given. Furloughd Nov 4. 64 for what time not stated. Returned Nov 24. 64. No other evidence of disability and no further information on said records. Certificate of disability on file shows him discharged from US Gen Hospital at Grafton West Virginia, May 28 1865.
The records of this office furnish no further evidence od disability.
R. C. DRUM, Attorney General
(Pensioner Dropped)
U. S. Pension Agency
Hon. H. Clay Evans
Commissioner of Pensions
I hereby report that the name of HENRY HOLMES - priv Co A 12 WVa Vol Inf, who was a pensioner on the rolls of this Agency, under Certificate No. 47625, and who was last paid at $17, to 25 October, 1895, has been dropped because of death - last pay't to widow.
Very Respectfully,
D. A. Carpenter, Pension Agent
Widow's Claim for Pension
State of Pennsylvania
County of Greene
On this 15th day of June, 1896, personally appeared before me, a Justice Of the Peace in and for the County and State aforesaid MARY M. HOLMES a resident of RICHILL TOWNSHIP in the County of GREENE and State of PA aged 47 years, who being duly sworn, makes the following declaration, in order to obtain the Pension provided by the Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862. That she is the widow of HENRY HOLMES who was a PRIVATE in Company A commanded by -- in the 12th Regiment of West Virginia Vol. Inf. in the War of 1861; that her maiden name was MARY M. LEMMONS and that she was married to said HENRY HOLMES on the 23rd day of MARCH 1866, at or near RYERSONS STATION in the County of GREENE and State of Pennsylvania by Rev H. H. Messenger and that she knows of no record evidence of said marriage and that said Rev H. H. Messenger is deceased.
She further declares that said HENRY HOLMES her husband died near RYERSONS STATION, in the State of Pennsylvania, on the 25th day of October, 1895 of insanity caused by wound in right lung received in the service of late war. She also declares that she has remained a widow ever since the death of HENRY HOLMES and that she has not in any manner been engaged in, or aided or abetted, the rebellion in the United States; and she hereby appoints Addison G. DuBois, of Washington, DC as her lawful attorney, with full power of substitution, and authorizes him to present and prosecute this claim. (Denies Children under 16.)
My Post Office address is DURBIN GREENE COUNTY, PA
(X) Mark of Mary M. Holmes
Witnesses M. B. Jacobs & W. J. Holmes
Note: General Affidavits were given by JONATHAN BARNHART (Deep Valley, Greene Co., Pa.), JAMES HOLMES (Richhill Twp, Greene Co., Pa), OLIVER ARMSTRONG (Richhill Twp, Greene Co., Pa). They stated their knowledge of the marriage of Henry & Mary Holmes, that there was no divorce and she did not marry after Henry's death.
Report - Pensioner
Cert. No. 425661
Pensioner Mary M. Holmes
Class Widow
Payee deceased
Finance Division
Jan 22 1925
The name of the above-described pensioner who was last paid at the rate of $30 per month to Nov 4 1924 has this day been dropped from the roll because of death Nov 11, 1924.
Henry Scott Holmes was born on 14 Dec 1844 in Marshall Co. VA, a son of William and Caty Holmes. Henry married Mary Margaret Lemmon, a daughter of David Lemmon and Charity Jewell. They were married at Ryerson Station, Greene Co. PA. Mary was born on 27 Feb 1849 and died on 11 Nov 1924. Henry and Mary had two children: (1) Charity (9 Nov 1867-18 Sep 1948) married Benjamin F. Gray on 25 Dec 1887; (2) Weeden J. Holmes (23 Jan 1869-17 Oct 1941) who married Martha Jane Caldwell on 4 Feb 1891 in Rocklick, WV. [Weeden was my gr gr grandfather.]
Henry S. Holmes suffered greatly from injuries received during the War. He could not labor hard and was on two occasions committed to the Dixmont Hospital for the insane. After being released the final time from Dixmont, Henry committed suicide and died on 25 Oct 1895. He, Mary and their two children are buried in the Lazear Cemetery in Greene Co. PA. A W. H. Holmes, a Civil War soldier is also buried there.
NOTE: Josiah Holmes, brother of Henry died of wounds while serving with Company D of the 1st West Virginia Infantry. There was a William H. Holmes who also served in Company D of the 1st Infantry. The 1850 Census of Ohio County, W.Va. shows that Henry and Josiah had a brother, William.