Transcribed by Nancy Callahan.
Rufus Haymond 1st Sergeant Co. E 12th WV Vol.
enrolled 15 Aug 1862 Clarksburg VA
discharged 16 Jun 1865 Richmond, VA
died 11 Apr 1924 Clarksburg, Harrison Co. WV
State of West Virginia
County of Harrison
On this 29th day of June, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty personally appeared before me, Clerk of the County Court, a court of record within and for the county and State aforesaid, Rufus Haymond, aged 40 years, a resident of near Cherry Camp, county of Harrison, State of West Virginia, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Rufus Haymond who was ENROLLED on the 15th day of August, 1862, in company “E” of the 12th regiment of West Virginia Infantry commanded by Capt. Cornelius Mercer, and was honorably DISCHARGED at Richmond Virginia on the 16th day of June 1865; that his personal description is as follows: Age, 40 years; height, 5 feet 6½ inches; complexion, fair: hair brown; eyes, hazel. That while a member of the organization aforesaid, in the service and in the line of his duty at , in the service and in the line of his duty at Danville Prison in the State of Virginia on or about the 10th day of October, 1864, he contracted from Confinement and did in said Prison disease of the Stomach, and Kidneys. That his general health became greatly impaired, and his eyesight affected therefrom. That his stomach and Kidneys have greatly disabled him ever since. That his eyesight has been greatly impaired and general health impaired. That he was treated in hospitals as follows: not treated in Hospital. That he has not been employed in the military or naval service otherwise than as stated above. That since leaving the service this applicant has resided near the town of Cherry Camp in the State of in the State of West Virginia and his occupation has been that of a Farmer. That prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good, sound, physical health, being when enrolled a Farmer. That he is now one half disabled from obtaining his subsistence by manual labor by reason of his injuries, above described, received in the service of the United States; and he therefore makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States.
He hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, Alexander C. Moore of Clarksburg, Sate of West Virginia his true and lawful attorney to prosecute his claim. that he has not received nor applied for a pension. That his Post Office Address is Clarksburg, county of Harrison State of West Virginia.
War Department
Adjutant General’s Office
Washington March 2, 1882
Respectfully retained to the Commissioner of Pensions. Rufus Haymond Sergt Company E , 12th Regiment WV Inf. Volunteers, was enrolled on the 15th day of Aug, 1862, at Clarksburg, Va. and is reported: on the muster roll for May & June 1864, absent - missing in action at Winchester, Va., July 24/64 - ( Ca. in action at said date & place) - Reported on subsequent rolls to Feebly 28/65, same as for July & Aug. 1864- March & April 1865, absent, at Camp Parole, Md.- No later muster roll on file- Co. muster out roll dated June 16/65, 1st Serge’s, mustered out with Co.
Return for May 1865, reports him, in the field May 27/65, gained from missing in action
Prisoner of War Records show him captured at Winchester Va. July 24, 64 brought from Danville Va Feby 19-65, paroled at James River, Va Feby 22, 65, sent from Camp Parole Md to Camp Chase Ohio Feby 26, 65 where he arrived March 4-65 furloughed Mar 5-65 for 30 days. No evidence of disability and no further information on said records.
Department of the Interior,
bureau of pensions
Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898
Certificate No. 215942
Name, Rufus Haymond
In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for you next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below.
First. Are you married? If so, please state you wife’s full name and her maiden name.
Answer Florence M. Haymond. Florence Martin
Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer June 9, 1874, near Clarksburg W. Va. by C. S. Allemong, minister
Third What record of marriage exist?
Answer Recorded Clerks office, Clarksburg W. Va.
Fourth Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of you former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce.
Answer Harriet F. died Feb. 11- 1873, near Cherry Camp W.Va.
Fifth Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and dates of their birth.
Answer Savilla, born March 4th, 1866, Carl, born Feb. 18th 1868, Della Born Feb. 24, 1877, Thomas W. born Jan. 21, 1881
Certificate of Obtain a Marriage License
Time of Marriage - June 9 1874
Place of Marriage - Harrison County, West Va.
Full Names of Parties Married - Husband, Rufus Haymond - Wife, Florence Martin
Age of Husband - 34
Age of Wife - 22
Condition of Husband - widowed
Condition of Wife - Single
Place of Husband’s Birth - Harrison County, Virginia
Place of Wife’s Birth - Harrison County, Virginia
Place of Husband’s Residence - Harrison County Virginia
Place of Wife’s Residence - Harrison County, Virginia
Names of Husband’s Parents - Lewis & Rachel Haymond
Names of Wife’s Parents - Job & Jane Martin
Occupation of Husband - Farmer
Given under my hand this 8th day of June, 1874
I certify, that on the 9th day of June 1874 at the residence of Job Martin , I united in Marriage the above named and described parties, under authority of the annexed License.
C.S. Allemong Minister of the Gospel
Other Information
Marriage of Lewis Haymond to Rachel Wilson 8 June 1839, in Harrison Co. WV - (Film #0,847,273, Vol. 3, pg 145)
1st wife: Harriet F. Holden, daughter of Jackson & Martha Holden; married 1 December 1863, age 17yrs, 7 mo. 13 days; bn in Harrison Co. WV (Film #0,847,286 Vol. 5, pg 30); died 11 Feb 1873 near Cherry Camp, Harrison Co. WV
2nd wife: Florence Martin, bn 27 Jan 1852, daughter of Job & Jane Martin of Harrison Co. WV; married 9 June 1874 Harrison Co. WV (Film #0,847,273, Vol. 5, pg 97); died 19 July 1934.
1850 Census WV Harrison Co., pg 187
Rachel Haymond...28...F...Virginia
1870 Census WV Harrison Co., pg 257 Ten Mile Twp
Rufus Haymond...29...M...Virginia
Harriet F...24...F...Virginia
1890 Veteran’s Census Harrison County, WV
SD 1 ED 108 Ten Mile district
Rufus Haymond...1st Sergeant, Co. E, 12 WV Inf; enlisted 15 Aug 1862; discharged 16 June 1865; length of service 2 years 10 month 1 day; 7 months in rehab; Indigestion
1900 Census WV Harrison Co. ED 53 pg 18
Rufus Haymond...H...June 1840...59...WV
Florence...W...Jan 1852...48...WV
Della...D...Feb 1877...23...WV
Thomas W...S...Jan 1881...19...WV