Submitted by Ronald S. Sims
War Department
Washington, Sept, 1884
Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. Cornelius H. Ross, a Priv. On. of Company "I", 12th Regiment W. Va., Inft. Volunteers, was enrolled on the 12th day of Aug., 1862, at New Manchester, 3 yrs, and is reported: on rolls to Apr. 30/'63 present, May and June '63. Absent, missing since engagement at Winchester, Va., June 14/'63. So reported to Aug. 31/'63 Regt. was in action at Winchester, Va. June 14/'63. Roll Sept. and Oct. '63. Absent, sick in Hancock Co., W.Va., since Oct. 16/'63. So reported to Dec. 31/'63. Not borne among absentees on return for Mar., '68. Subsequent rolls to Aug. 31/'64 absent. Sept and Oct. '64, absent, in Hospt. at Martinsburg, Va. Oct. 15/'64. Nov. and Dec. '64 absent at Crafton, W. Va., Oct 29/'64, Jan. and Feb. and to Apr. 30/'65 present. Mustered out on an individual muster out roll at Wheeling, W.Va. July 28/'65, with remarks, Reported for muster out July 28/'65 from Hospt. Richmond Va.. Mustered out to take effect from June 16/'65 the date of Co., muster out. Also borne as Cornelius H. Ross.
Prisoner of War Records show him captured at Winchester Va June 15, 1863, conf'd at Richmond, Va. June 24, 1863. Parroled at C---y Point, Va. July 8, 1863, repted at College Green Bk's. Md., July 9, 1863. Sent to Camp Parrole, Md. July 11, 1863, when he arrived this same day. No evidence of medical treatment or disability and no further information on said records.
Company Morning Report Book shows that he "returned to Co Jan 6, 1864 from absent sick - Oct 15, 1864 "absent sick at Martinsburg W.Va." Feb 21, 1865 "returned from Hospital" and May 17, 1865 "sent to 24 A.C. Hospital". Returned to duty on nature of sickness not stated. Regimental Hospital Records are not on file.
Assistant Adjutant General
Death Notice
Freeport Journal, Freeport , PA. - C. H. Ross died in Allegheny, Pa., May 31, 1884. Buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Given a soldier's burial as he had requested all his life.