12th LOGO


Samuel's brother, William, also served in the 12th Infantry and was Killed In Action at Piedmont, Augusta County, Va., 05 Jun 1864.

The family of Samuel and William was apparently from Pennsylvania and, based on the birth places of the children, moved to Hancock County between 1835-38. The mother (or mothers) of the children of Benjamin Beal is not named in the 1850 census.

1850 Census Hancock County, (W)Va.
Benjamin Beal, 52, Farmer, $5000, Pa
John, 19, none, Pa
Benj., 17, none, Pa
Mary, 15, Pa
Isabel, 13, Va
Sam, 11, Va
Jas, 8, Va
Wm, 5, Va
Martha H., 2, Va
Sarah ATEN, 23, Pa
Jas JOHNSTON, 19, none, Va

Transcribed by Linda Fluharty.

B 12 W.Va.
Co I, 12 Reg't W. Va. Infantry
Appears on
Company Descriptive Book
of the Organization named above.
Age 22 years; height 5 feet 8 1/2 inches.
Complexion FAIR
Eyes GRAY; hair DARK
Occupation CARPENTER

When Aug 12, 1862.
By whom R. H. BROWN; term 3 YRS.
Remarks: APT CORPL MAR 1/64. VICE

E. W. Moore, Copyist

Hospital Number 3845. H
Age 24. Nativity VIRGINIA
Married or single MARRIED
Residence HANCOCK CO, VA
Post Office Address of wife
or nearest relative. HANCOCK CO, VA
Rank CORPL Co I 12 Regiment W.Va V.I.
When admitted JULY 25th 1864
From what source FIELD
Cumberland Hospital,
Cumberland, Md.


State of OHIO County of COLUMBIANA ss:
     In the matter of claim for Original Invalid Pension of SAMUEL BEAL Pvt Co I 12th Reg West Va Inft Vols.
     On this 6th day of April A.D. 1891, personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforsaid County duly authorized to administer oaths SAMUEL BEAL aged 51 years, a resident of EAST LIVERPOOL in the County of Columbiana and State of Ohio whose Post Office address is East Liverpool, Ohio well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows:

This is to certify that I Samuel Beal the applicant first enlisted as a Private in Co I 12th Reg West Va Inft vols on the 12th day of August 1862 and I was finally discharged from the service and said Co I 12th Reg West Va Inft Vols as Corporal on the 16th day of June 1865. Since which date June 16th 1865 I have not been employed in the military or Naval service of the U. S. Government or received pay therefrom. I had no service in the military or naval service OTHER than as above stated.

SAMUEL BEAL, affiant

Certified by James N. Rase, Notary Public

Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898.

Certificate No. 681413

Sir: In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to the questions enumerated below.
M. Clay Evans, Commissioner

First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife's full name and her maiden name.
Answer. Yes. Mary A. Beal. Mary A. Allison.

Second. When, where, and by whom were you married?
Answer. Aug 19th 1862. Beaver Co. Pa. Rev. Ormand.

Third. What record of marriage exists?
Answer. No.

Fourth. Were you previously married?
Answer. No.

Fifth. Have you any livung children?
Answer. Minnie B. Apr 2nd 1866. Will W. Sept 1868. Lerionara A. Sept 1871. Clarra M. Apr 2nd 1873. Mary N.(?) July 8th 1886.

Samuel Beal
Date of reply, June 4th, 1898.

Act of June 27, 1890
No. 681.413 - Increase
United States of America
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
     It is herey certified That in conformity with the laws of the United States SAMUEL BEAL who was a Private Co "I" 12th Regiment Wet Virginia Volunteer Infantry is entitled to a pension under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890 at the rate of TWELVE dollars per month to commence on the FIRST day of NOVEMBER one thousand nine hundred and five.

Former payments covering any portion of the same time to be deducted.

Given at the Department of the Interior this
eighteenth day of December
one thousand nine hundred and five
and of the Independence of the United States
of America the one hundred and thirtieth.
Ethan A. Hitchcock(?)
Secretary of the Interior.
Countersigned V. Warner, Commissioner of Pensions.

Declaration For Widow's Pension
Act of June 27, 1890, and Acts amendatory thereof.

State of OHIO, County of COLUMBIANA ss:
     On this 24" day of October, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and seven (1907) personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and state aforesaid MARY ANN BEAL age 63 years, whose Post Office address is GD East Liverpool, Columbiana County, Ohio, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of Samuel Beal who enlisted under the name of SAMUEL BEAL, at FAIRVIEW West va on the 12" day of AUGUST. AD, 1862, in Company I 12" Regiment West va Inft Vols. abd served at least ninety days in the late War of the Rebellion, in the service of the United States, and was honorably discharged June 16" 1865 and died Sept 12" 1907.

     That she was married under the name of MARY ANN ALLISON to said SAMUEL BEAL on the 19" day of August, 1862 by Rev Ormond, at near Hookstown Penna there being no legal barrier to said marriage. That said soldier or sailor had not been previously married. That applicant had not been previously married.
     That she has not remarried since the death of the said SAMUEL BEAL.
     That she is without other means of support than her daily labor, and an actual net income not exceeding $250 per year; that names and dates of birth of all the children now living under the age of sixteen years of age of the soldier are as follows: (none)
     That her husband has not been employed in the Military or Naval service or otherwise than as stated above.
     That she has not heretofore applied for pension.
     That she makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the Act of June 27, 1890, and Acts amendatory thereof.
     She hereby appoints with full power of substitution and revocation, JAMES N. RASE of EAST LIVERPOOL State of OHIO, her true and lawful attorney to prosecute her claim, and to receive therefor a fee of $10. That her Post Office address is GD East Liverpool County of Columbiana, State of Ohio.


Witnesses: W. W. Beal & Clara M. Beal (knew claimant 35 & 30 years respectively)

Note: Affidavits supporting Mary Ann Beal's claim of marriage & celibacy after husband's death were given by ALEX B. ALLISON, R. W. PUGH, ADALINE HUNTER, MARTHA A. FOWLER & MORGAN H. MILLER.

Affidavit from East Liverpool Funeral Director gives burial place of Samual Beal as RIVERVIEW CEMETERY.

Mary Ann Beal received a pension until her death, 19 May 1918.

Submitted by George Allison.


Grave at Riverview Cemetery, East Liverpool, Ohio.


Submitted by George Allison.

East Liverpool Evening Review, East Liverpool, Columbiana Co., Ohio - Thursday, 12 Sep 1907, pg. 9.

SAMUEL BEAL, one of the best known residents of this city, and a veteran of the Civil war, died at his home on Trentvale street about 3 o'clock this morning. Mr. Beal has been lying at death's door for several days, but had been ill since early spring. His death was directly due to heart trouble. His demise is keenly felt by his hosts of friends and many relatives. Mr. Beal was born in Hancock county, West Virginia, January 17, 1840, and was one of a large family of children, all of whom are dead with the exception of one sister, Mrs. Richard Allison, of Iowa. When a very young man Mr. Beal enlisted in Co. I, 12th West Virginia volunteers, and served during the Civil war with much credit and honor. He was past commander of the General Lyon post, G. A. R. of this city, and was warmly liked by his comrades and associates. He was present at the campfires and reunions and always had interesting anecdotes to relate of the conflict. He will be greatly missed from the ranks of feeble, white haired veterans, of whom there are fewer survivors every year. Mr. Beal married Miss Mary Allison, of the old family of Allisons of Hancock county. To the union were born six children, five of whom are living; W. W. Beal, Clara M., Mrs. Charles Ashbaugh and Mary Eusebia, all of this city, and Mrs. W. B. Brenneman, of Pittsburg. Mr. Beal was a resident of this city almost forty years. He was active in church work and was a member of the First Presbyterian church of this city 37 years. Mr. Beal was known for his kindness and helpful influence and the good he did among his fellowmen. Funeral services will be conducted by his pastor, the Rev. Dr. E. M. McMillin, from the home Saturday afternoon. The members of the G. A. R. will attend the funeral. Other arrangements are to be made later. The G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans are requested to turn out at the funeral, the former to take charge of the services and the latter to furnish a firing squad, pall bearers and trumpeter. Communications on the subject should be made to Justice J. N. Rose.