ABRAHAM JONES, Corporal, Company "A"
Abraham Jones married Rebecca E. Vance on April 4, 1861, in Marshall County, W.Va.
1870 Census, Washington District, Marshall County, W.Va.
Rosetta E...8-wf...WV
VANCE, Margaret...59-wf...MD1900 Census, Washington District, Marshall County, W.Va.
JONES, 816
Abraham...Farmer...Aug 1841...58...M-39...WV...WV...WV
Rebecca...wife...Jan 1841...59...1/1...OH...OH...MD
CLEGG, Lizzie...s-i-l...Servant...Jan 1847...53...Widow...1 child/1 living...OH...OH...MD
CLEGG, Frank...neph...Farm Laborer...May 1871...29...OH...OH...OH
Abraham & Rebecca E. (Vance) Jones are buried at Fairview #2 Cemetery, Marshall County, W.Va. Based on the burial records, Abraham was the son of Jeremiah Jones.
Jones, Abraham - s/o Jeremiah - Co A 12th WVa Inf C War - 1841 - 1918?
Jones, Rebecca E (Vance) - w/o Abraham - 1841 - 1925
Jones, Jeremiah - 1 Jan 1805 - 20 Aug 1889
Jones, Jane - w/o Jeremiah - 18 Mar 1815 - 1 Sep 1898