ABSOLOM CROW, Corporal, Company "A"
Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen Provided by Shirley Fox Allen
by H. H. Hardesty, 1894; Vol. II, pages 570-571.
Transcribed by Linda Fluharty
State of WEST VA, County of MARSHALL, ss:
On this 8 day of APRIL, A.D. 1925, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, within and for the county and State aforesaid, ABSOLAM CROW, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 87 years of age, and a resident of MOUNDSVILLE county of MARSHALL, State of WEST VA; and that he is the identical person who was enrolled at MOUNDSVILLE WVA, under the name of ABSOLAM CROW on the 23 day of AUGUST, 1862, as a PRIVATE in CO A 12th WEST VA INFANTRY in the service of the United States, in the Civil War, and was Honorably Discharged at WHEELING, WVA AT CLOSE OF WAR.
That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 6 FEET 1 INCH; complexion, FAIR; color of eyes, GREY; color of hair, RED; that his occupation was FARMER; that he was born AUG 23, 1837, at MARSHALL Co WVA (THEN VA)
That he requires the regular personal aid and attendance of another person on account of the following disabilities:
That since leaving the service he has resided at MOUNDSVILLE, W.VA. and his occupation has been FARMER AND LABORER TILL INCAPACITATED FOR WORK OF ANY KIND.
That he is now a pensioner under Certificate No. 930319. That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of May 1, 1920.
Signed by ABSALOM CROW (Not too legible - someone wrote it more clearly below.)
J. D. PARRIOTT, Moundsville, W.Va.
Subscribed and sworn before me this 8 day of April, A.D. 1925, and I hereby certify.....
Notary Public
Moundsville, W.Va.
I know this case personally to me most deserving and urgent. J. D. PARRIOTT
X Affiant required aid of the notary in holding the pen. JDP.
Marriage Record
United States of America,
State of West Virginia, County of Marshall, ss:
I, J. E. Chase, Clerk of the County Court of said Marshall County and as such the legal custodian of the marriage records thereof, hereby certify that ABSOLEM CROW and SARAH E. MAJORS were united in marriage at WASHINGTON TP on the 18 day of OCT., 1866 by T. B. HUGHES a licensed Minister of the Gospel and due return therof made to this office as required by law.
Signed by J. E. CHASE, 9 April 1925.
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Pensions
Washington, D.C.
April 30, 1925
Please answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below. The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your widow or children.
Wilder S. Metcalf, Commissioner
ABSOLAM CROW, being first duly sworn answered the several questions below as follows:
No. 1. Date and place of birth? Answer. AUG 23, 1838.
The name of the organizations in which you served? Answer. CO A, 12TH WVA INF.
No. 2. What was your post office at enlistment? Answer. MOUNDSVILLE, WVA.
No. 3. State your wife's full name and her maiden name. Answer. SARAH ELIZABETH MAGERS.
No. 4. When, where, and by whom were you married? Answer. REV T. B. HUGHES, MARSHALL CO. WVA; DATE OCT 18 1866.
No. 5. Is there any official church record of your marriage? NO.
No. 6. Were you previously married? If so, state the name of your former wife, the date of the marriage, and the date and place of her death or divorce. If there was more than one previous marriage, let your answer include all former wives. Answer, NOT PREVIOUSLY MARRIED.
No. 7. If your present wife was married before her marriage to you, state the name of her former husband, the date of such marriage, and the date and place of his death or divorce, and state whether he ever rendered any military or naval service, and, if so, give name of the organization in which he served. If she was married more than once before her marriage to you, let your answer include all former husbands. Answer. SHE WAS NOT.
No. 7a. How long have you required the constant attention and care of your daughter DESSIE CROW? Answer. FOR ABOUT TWO YEARS, DUE TO BOWEL TROUBLE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND DEFECTIVE SIGHT.
No. 8. Are you living with your wife? Answer. YES. If there has been a separation give date of same. NONE.
No. 9. State the names and dates of birth of all your children, living or dead. Answer.
Date: May 4, 1925
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of May, 1925.
J. D. Parriott
Notary Public
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
DIED APRIL 26, 1926
Absolom Crow, Civil War Veteran, aged 89 years, passed away at his home on North Jefferson avenue shortly before last midnight after an illness of four weeks duration.
He was born on Fairview Ridge, August 22, 1837, the son of William and Rachael Crow and was one of a family of twelve children of whom but one, Miss Sarah L. Crow of First street survives. He married Sarah E. Magers, on October 18, 1866. The wife preceeded him in death on the 9th of the present month. The surviving children are: J. N. Crow of Fairview; Mrs. Permetea Ruckman of Center street; Charles B. Crow, Chris C. Crow and Dessie Padgett of Moundsville, and Arch Crow of Newark, O.
He served during the Civil War as a member of Company A, 12th West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. He spent the greater part of his life as a livestock dealer and was widely known over the county. He was a member of the Methodist church.
The funeral will be held from the residence of his son, Mr. Chris Crow, at 205 Washington avenue, at two thirty o'clock Thursday afternoon. Services will be conducted by Rev. J. A. Shultz, of the Calvary M. E. church and interment will occur in Mount Rose Cemetery.
Submitted by Joseph D. Parriott; typed by Linda Fluharty.
Note: Death record info was provided by son, Chris, and is inaccurate. The name is given as ABNER. Chris also gave Absolom's wife's name in the place where Absolom's mother's name should have been.